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Testing out HB


Dec 8, 2011
Hello all!
I am new to the HB forums/HB bot, and i just bought a day pass to try it out. So far i am amazed that i don't have to set anything up, and pretty much find a great profile and click go. I just have a few questions to as before i buy (most likely will).

1. What kind of bot is it?
Dose it inject into the memory or dose it read the memory and send mimicked key strokes...or how dose it do it?

2. I saw something about diffrent bots with only 1 year licences to them, whats the deal with that?
HB dose not appear to have a restriction to the bot once you buy it, but i saw some place on these forms that there will no longer offer lifetime accounts.

3. is there a way to monitor the bot away from the computer?
Like send message to my phone when some one sends me a tell or says my name in guild chat/general chat. if so, is there a way to respond remotely.

If these answers ring true, i am shooting my self for going with piroxy bot first.

P.S. sorry if this is the wrong spot to post this, first time on these forums.
1. We use injection to drive WoW the way we want.

Is it more or less detectable than how piroxy did it?
i thought glider did a injection method, whats the diffrence?

im sorry if there is a place this was already discussed, just point me to the forum
Honestly... is this the kind of discussion that we should be having in an open forum considering that there is an active lawsuit going on? I would think that how things are done and comparisons to other products would simply be a really bad idea.

Just my thoughts on the matter... I am NOT a lawyer but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night. ;)
Is it more or less detectable than how piroxy did it?
i thought glider did a injection method, whats the diffrence?

im sorry if there is a place this was already discussed, just point me to the forum
its not detectible because of the way the injection is being done, obviously i cant get into specifics on how thats accomplished, but honorbuddy has never had a single banwave, there aren't any other bots on the market that can say that. not only that but because blizzard is suing i have a feeling they just wanna let the lawyers kill the bots and only use Warden for Anti-hacks, like Wall Hacks, Speed Hacks ect, where its not worth suing.
i c i c, thank you all for the help. i bought it today and i am loving it.