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TERA Online!


Community Developer
Jul 26, 2010

That's right peeps TERA Online goes live May 1, 2012! *And the MMO world says "MOVE BLIZZ GET OUT DA WAY!"*

Do I hear HB (TERA) in the near future???
Tera was not all it was crac'ked up to be. By playing the beta I felt it had the "Aion" failure stench.

I for one will not be playing tera, nor do I see a legit bot from around here.

(Why cant you put cra.ck?) Lol
I like TERA Online as it make you need to have skill to play, non auto aim/targeting, need to actually move to avoid DMG. Plus I like the graphic intensive aspect of the game. Aion had promise but the grind was dull, everything sounded the same, graphics were bad, flying was cool (and aerial PvP), but they never took it anywhere. The anime characteristics in TERA are a little strange but I guess that's what you get from a Korean game. I find the only link from TERA to Aion is the look of the gear, everything else has more thought put into it from the get go, not to metion it has already been around for a few years so It's not like we are getting a brand new MMO, just changing the language.
Korean games or any of the Asian franchise type games don't typically make it over in the u.s. and europe.

Don't get me wrong there ARE people who enjoy playing them here, but I felt the same as you did when I first heard about it. "wow aiming and more detail combat" it's not.
Really isn't worthwhile at all to mention the repedetiveness or the class similarities.

Im sure it is a decent game, but not for me and more than likely not for most MMO players around here in my opinion.
That's why I said I am doubtful for a bot to emerge from this community per say.
The game has been out in Korea for over a year, and it's not doing so well over there. They've had a couple rounds of server mergers already and looks like more on the horizon. That being said, I have not played the game but many people are saying that the combat is very intuitive. However, questing is the typical "kill x of these", "deliver y of those" and many people think it's boring.

Graphics look amazing, and the combat should be enough to hold peoples' attention for a while at least. It's certainly no WoW killer, but it will be a nice break until GW2 comes out. I pre-ordered to check it out, and the US Open Beta starts next weekend. I think anyone can enter the beta, just go here and sign up for an account/key - TERA
TERA Online looks like the crappiest MMO being released, from what I've seen looks like FF.
I have played the beta of this game and played other games that people always say its gonna beat WOW, or WOW sucks while playing other games but you know the funny thing is they keep referencing that "crappy" game called World Of Warcraft in everything, like when people explain new games to you, first thing they say is its controls are like WOW's or the graphics are like WOW's or questing like WOW's and you guys are all still looking for another game while saying WOW sucks,even while playing Tera beta I was watching the Barrens-esc chat and all they could talk about was WOW, I played SWTOR and all you see people talk about is WOW, truth is there is no game out there that can compete with WOW they still have like 10 million people (maybe little less but not by much) and I often find my self quitting WOW for other games to replace it and a month later im right back to it, so you know what?, as of right now WOW is and from the looks for things will always be the best until a couple years after they quit expanding probably, now I am done with this kind of rant but im just basically saying dont jump the gun on games and also im tired of seeing people talk so much crap about WOW when its still better than what exists, and by the way you people that say "vanilla was better" (knowing half of them never even played vanilla they are just trying to fit in) apparently don't remember vanilla because all I remember is hours and hours of grinding and the only thing that was good about it was the fact that when you worked your butt off at that game it showed, and you had something to be proud of.

I think that is why people liked Vanilla so much, also remember that during that time all MMO's were as such. I don't believe that any MMO on today's market will remove WoW from the playing field, but the community has changed drastically from the golden days. Old players rotate out and new impatient players come in, same for most any game.