I have played the beta of this game and played other games that people always say its gonna beat WOW, or WOW sucks while playing other games but you know the funny thing is they keep referencing that "crappy" game called World Of Warcraft in everything, like when people explain new games to you, first thing they say is its controls are like WOW's or the graphics are like WOW's or questing like WOW's and you guys are all still looking for another game while saying WOW sucks,even while playing Tera beta I was watching the Barrens-esc chat and all they could talk about was WOW, I played SWTOR and all you see people talk about is WOW, truth is there is no game out there that can compete with WOW they still have like 10 million people (maybe little less but not by much) and I often find my self quitting WOW for other games to replace it and a month later im right back to it, so you know what?, as of right now WOW is and from the looks for things will always be the best until a couple years after they quit expanding probably, now I am done with this kind of rant but im just basically saying dont jump the gun on games and also im tired of seeing people talk so much crap about WOW when its still better than what exists, and by the way you people that say "vanilla was better" (knowing half of them never even played vanilla they are just trying to fit in) apparently don't remember vanilla because all I remember is hours and hours of grinding and the only thing that was good about it was the fact that when you worked your butt off at that game it showed, and you had something to be proud of.