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>GM comes
>Insta-logs out
GM: "Hmm, probably busy. #ports away"
Nope, more like:
>GM comes
>Insta-logs out
GM: "Hmm, probably botting. #adds to monitor list"
Although, I've yet to have a GM port to me (Used quite a few WoW bots before, over a course of about a year). Most of them don't care/aren't paid to find botters.
And tbh, MOST "ports" are simply the bot getting stuck on zeps, going ZOMG, I JUST GOTZ PORTED, LOGZ OFF NAO!! False positives use to be a bitch while botting in TH lol
ok, thank you. will try it. But it is for 100% that bots are ported by GM to check for them. Have been watching that for half a year, seen them with my own eyes and it is not a zeppelin or something like that.
every 2 seconds pull Me.Location and Compare it to your last Me.Location, If Me.Location.Distance > 100 (YOU GOTS TELEPORTED!) thats basicly all you would have to do.