First off all : Yes is a HB profile not GB.
1. Recommended lvl 70+ (for lower lvl disable ignore mob list)
2. Starts in Gadgetzan and is harvesting Mithrill Ore only.
3. Use gloves encht +5 min or gatherer ench +5min/herba
4. Is not perfect
5. It has been tested on 2x lvl 78 Dk one Horde one Alliance.
6. I have never died. so it has no Gy mapped.
7. Is a surface profile, it will not go underground.
8. It has no mail/repair vendor, fell free to add as you like or need one
9. This profile was made for leveling mining, not for farming.
10. Use lootfilter addon to delete gray's item's, toon will kill/loot a few mobs .
HB settings:
- Select “Levelboot “
- If you disable looting, it will not harvest ore
- I cant remember mini-map radius 80 or 60 so i have set HB to 100 loot radius , just to be sure.
Feel free to add mesh routes to it, modify hot-spots, etc.
View attachment 1779<<<<< route

1. Recommended lvl 70+ (for lower lvl disable ignore mob list)
2. Starts in Gadgetzan and is harvesting Mithrill Ore only.
3. Use gloves encht +5 min or gatherer ench +5min/herba
4. Is not perfect
5. It has been tested on 2x lvl 78 Dk one Horde one Alliance.
6. I have never died. so it has no Gy mapped.
7. Is a surface profile, it will not go underground.
8. It has no mail/repair vendor, fell free to add as you like or need one
9. This profile was made for leveling mining, not for farming.
10. Use lootfilter addon to delete gray's item's, toon will kill/loot a few mobs .
HB settings:
- Select “Levelboot “
- If you disable looting, it will not harvest ore
- I cant remember mini-map radius 80 or 60 so i have set HB to 100 loot radius , just to be sure.
Feel free to add mesh routes to it, modify hot-spots, etc.
View attachment 1779<<<<< route
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