The Animations of RIft sucks wow is just the best and those 600k people that leaved wow for rift wil come back those 600k people wont hurt wow wow has stil 11 million subs.
wow didnt lose people to rift, altho trion likes to think so. Arena season ended, people burned the xpac sooner then xpctd. Pvp full of
bots, no real challenges no more etc etc.
Yes ofcourse some wow players went to try rift, but 99 % will go back.
In my personal opinion RIFT sux. Awesome graphics, to many choices, rifts and invasions tend to get annoying after a while.
Its a wow clone, nothing more, and they copied so many things from wow, still they failed at making it a nice game, to keep you !
sure, to pass time, its allright, but to play , like some of you and deffo me, played Wow, NO way !
Its like all these other so called MMOs, its time they start inventing new shit instead of copying eachother, gets annoying.
Maybe we see a new good game then, untill then, people can biaatch about wow being stale, annoying, boring, full of bots orealy
etc etc, but in the end, they return, untill some real game opens up. Untill now, nothing realy amazed me. And after playing wow, i dont
think anything has the capability to do so. Wow set the standard, untill someone goes beyond that one, instead of trying to " ride the
wave of succes" and fail misserably like Rift did, i will keep on playing / botting Wow.
The only thing Rift went popular, is cause they did a huge commercial bubble when wow got stale, people burned trought content etc.
was a nice move, but if you cant deliver then, cause as said, i think Rift is a shit game, you will die before you are 6 months old.
Ad thats what i think Rift will do, in 1 year from now, people will still play wow, but on the other hand... theres a vague memory about
Rift... hmm... what was that again...