when i go into talented to select my class there is no protection paladin anymore can anyone help with this??
<TalentTree Name="Protection Paladin" Specialization="2" Class="Paladin">
<Talent Tab="1" Index="3" Count="3" Name="Judgements of the Pure" />
<Talent Tab="2" Index="1" Count="1" Name="Divinity" />
<Talent Tab="2" Index="2" Count="2" Name="Seals of the Pure" />
<Talent Tab="2" Index="3" Count="2" Name="Eternal Glory" />
<Talent Tab="2" Index="4" Count="2" Name="Judgements of the Just" />
<Talent Tab="2" Index="5" Count="3" Name="Toughness" />
<Talent Tab="2" Index="7" Count="2" Name="Hallowed Ground" />
<Talent Tab="2" Index="8" Count="3" Name="Sanctuary" />
<Talent Tab="2" Index="9" Count="1" Name="Hammer of the Righteous" />
<Talent Tab="2" Index="10" Count="2" Name="Wrath of the Lightbringer" />
<Talent Tab="2" Index="11" Count="2" Name="Reckoning" />
<Talent Tab="2" Index="12" Count="1" Name="Shield of the Righteous" />
<Talent Tab="2" Index="13" Count="2" Name="Grand Crusader" />
<Talent Tab="2" Index="15" Count="1" Name="Holy Shield" />
<Talent Tab="2" Index="16" Count="2" Name="Guarded by the Light" />
<Talent Tab="2" Index="18" Count="2" Name="Sacred Duty" />
<Talent Tab="2" Index="19" Count="2" Name="Shield of the Templar" />
<Talent Tab="2" Index="20" Count="1" Name="Ardent Defender" />
<Talent Tab="3" Index="1" Count="2" Name="Eye for an Eye" />
<Talent Tab="3" Index="2" Count="1" Name="Crusade" />
<Talent Tab="3" Index="3" Count="2" Name="Improved Judgement" />
<Talent Tab="3" Index="5" Count="2" Name="Rule of Law" />
Why would you want to level as a prot pally?