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Sw:Tor falls short.


New Member
Feb 19, 2011
I enjoyed this game till the next day, then I was bored and annoyed.
People are cancelling their subs in droves. Server populations are going from FULL ----> Medium/Low

Worst thing is it took them 10 years to make this garbage?

Combat is boring and clunky, chaining spells to eachother is just buggy and confusing.
Even on full servers good luck finding groups for heroic quests or for instances. You may find the odd one but chances are you have a rough time most of the time.

Leveling to 10 then choosing a advanced spec then realized you don't like it and should have gone the other way is just frustrating aswell since you would actually have to relevel all the way to 10 again to choose the other option,

I don't know if im more pissed off this game is terrible after I waited so long to play it or more pissed off i wasted 70$ on it.
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Sorry about your bad experiences with it. I purposelessly held off buying this game for that reason. Never buy release month is my motto :D
I haven't tried it but was keen to get it. The sudden change of mood around the game from a lot of people really puts me off.

I was really hoping for something new and refreshing... WoW kinda gets boring after you have played it for years:P

Besides, I always told a friend that Swtor will fail. I guess I can wait just a few more weeks and if attitudes haven't changed I could have a good laugh about how much of a fail the game is >: )
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I haven't tried it but was keen to get it. The sudden change of mood around the game from a lot of people really puts me off.

I was really hoping for something new and refreshing... WoW kinda gets boring after you have played it for years:P

Besides, I always told a friend that Swtor will fail. I guess I can wait just a few more weeks then have a good laugh about how much of a fail the game is >: )

Your username looks very familiar. Glider or Pirox by chance?
Yea, sorry to say from my point of veiw the game is just not fun. The areas are closed in.
Tatoonie for example, a huge world open plains. You die if you try to explore it from exaustion.
This is right outside the area you land aswell. Just to many things wrong with the game for it to be fun.
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im enjoying it. i played on one of the better RBG teams in the US. we were at 2700 mmr in the previous 2 seasons. most of us went to swtor when it came out and have been dominating huttball with a vengeance lol. just hope the rated warzones come sooner rather than later
im enjoying it. i played on one of the better RBG teams in the US. we were at 2700 mmr in the previous 2 seasons. most of us went to swtor when it came out and have been dominating huttball with a vengeance lol. just hope the rated warzones come sooner rather than later
Gratz on co-ordinated huttball vs new players that don't have a clue what they are doing.
If I could destroy pugs with a group on people on vent I am sure I would be in huttball 24/7
If you would like to donate your swtor account(s) - you can always PM Hawker the details!
Having a blast in it myself, i don't get what all the bitching is about.
The complaints are mainly that the game is a bit of a challenge and people do not like to be challenged they would rather be spoon fed.

I love SWTOR, have loved it since beta. BTW I'm a semi - pro Raider outside of botting and have been threw everything WOW has to offer.

Subs are not dropping in SWTOR only growing, they have increased the server sizes to accomodate the increase in player base. There are bugs.. YES DUH!.. it's a new game.. every single game in the universe has bugs on release.

I second the donation of accounts.. Please donate your accounts to Hawker or hell donate them to me for development.. Leave, shutup .. stop crying!.
My only complaint really is the UI isn't very friendly to healers. (ie I have to stare at tiny healthbars)

Even though swtor doesnt have macros, you can easily make your own macros outside of the game.

As for the mainspec complaint, it only takes about 2 hours to get to lvl 10.
Resize the Bars via the interface options.
Also: you can activate the operation (raid) frames in a party :)
hahaha danm nice to hear this man i was this close ----> <----- to press the purchase button i woulded be banging my head in the keyboard... lets see what happen in a month or 2
Idk what to say, the game ain't even half as bad as some people said. I wasted those 60$ and I've already had my fun worth of 60$, every but of fun ahead of this moment is a bonus if you ask me. So the game ain't all that bad, I highly believe that they will improve the game beyond recognition. The thing that needs most tweaking is their UI, ain't really user friendly. The community will do it's job with reporting bugs, feeding them with possibilities that they might implement into the game so I think they will be around for a while. If nothing else, the storyline itself is interesting enough. Not that I am much of a role player but still, it kept me interested. As far as rerolling goes, there have been a ton of threads on various forums already about it. Give me as many possibilities as you want, as many zones to level as you want, as many alternatives and I know for a fact that i will be bored to hell with it. So replayability in an MMORPG is imo the least important aspect and again I don't think that this game has any less replayability than WoW.

I have to spend more time in SWTOR to be able to judge but so far so good. We'll see about the end gaming, if they do their job on that part, the game will live. Also on a side note, WoW doesn't have to die in order for this game to live. A lot of players there never even played WoW. The fact that these two games are totally different from each other is the most positive thing about SWTOR, most of the fantasy game couldn't coexist with WoW simply because it's the same thing in a different package, this right here is a whole different story. Just my 2c.
hahaha danm nice to hear this man i was this close ----> <----- to press the purchase button i woulded be banging my head in the keyboard... lets see what happen in a month or 2

Thing is for a game that has been in development for 8 years? They released half a game with no features like really?
You are right to some extent Swizzie. One gets a feeling as if they were more concerned about the graphics, storyline than the gameplay itself. WoW sure is more fluid when it comes to gameplay, loading screens are what comes to mind first when you think about SWTOR imo. Too many and too often and the worst thing about them is that they can't just eliminate them since that would ask for a whole new game to be made. We'll see what comes out of it in a few months.
I can see how many have complains about the game. but wow had there dungeon finder after 6 years =) Took them a while to get it.
I persenally like the game very much

There are buggs and stuff but thats in all games.

Get over wow and learn another game =)
I agree, the game just falls flat especially after the first 20 levels or so. I'm currently up to 33 and can't even bring myself to log on to continue playing.

I do enjoy the space combat though and I'm tempted to just do it to level instead of grinding out the same quests over and over with different backgrounds.