it opens them all for me -.^
i think there may be a 255 char limit in the concatenated version. (8192 characters apparently) , it is a lot neater, but for me it's terribly slow, even with 4 folders or 40 folders.
also for people who have a ton of SVN's, and don't have an idea of how to make a list,
here's a short way to get a list of folders
for /d /r %%f in (*) do (
if exist %%f\.svn (
echo "%%f" >>%userprofile%\Desktop\SVNfolders.txt
save this as a batch file,
run it from the folder you store your bots in, be it Documents or Downloads, Bots, C:\ or G:\,
drag the batch file into the main folder, and it will save a list to the desktop.
it will just look for the folders, and put them in a text file on your desktop you can paste into the above batch files.
2nd part, if you want to add a bit of a pause, you can modify the above to do this ...
in windows 7 or 8, you can use
timeout /T 10 /NOBREAK
for everyone else, there's Ping.
@echo off
echo Updating Honorbuddy SVN folders
echo ========================
echo . Profiles
FOR %%Profiles IN (
"folders go here"
) DO START TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:%%Profiles /closeonend:2
rem Adding a 7 second break to let those windows close. more than likely, you can extend this to 10 or 15 or 20, just to minimise the BLAM.
rem you can change this if you want them to move along faster, use a number higher than 2, or just remove the ping command.
ping -n 8 localhost >nul 2>&1
echo .. Bots
FOR %%Bots IN (
" put all the bots folders with SVN in here"
) DO START TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:%%Bots /closeonend:2
ping -n 8 localhost >nul 2>&1
echo ... Combat Routines
" put the list of folders with combat routines here"
) DO START TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:%%CR /closeonend:1
ping -n 8 localhost >nul 2>&1
echo .... Plugins
" put folders for each plugin SVN here"
) DO START TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:%%PLUG /closeonend:1
echo Done.