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*Suspect Botter* - No PM's Showing.


New Member
Mar 27, 2011

OK, So Ive noticed this for some time now, and before I continue, Im not relating this as a fault to HB or anything!

So, Ive noticed during my travels, people I PM, no message appears on my screen of any kind, nor does anything else happen, Is this caused by a botting player using a plugin or addon?

I'm wondering, Is this a plugin, or an Add-on that a 'botter' uses to cause this, or Is it simply that it's just a bug of some kind?

If someone can please help me out here regarding this, I'd be very much thankful!

Cheers :D
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Disable your addons...

Why are you even whispering "suspicious" people? I mean what is your point? Are you looking to extort these suspects for gold or money?
No, But I would like to know for certain whether or not their botting, so I just send a message, no response answer my question.

I don't think It matters why I would PM them, that is irrelevant to the subject.

Nonetheless, I appreciate your answer.
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lol'd at this, theory?

looks like you are looking to get rid of competition, nothing else.
Competition?! LOL!

Please, I love it when Botters are near me, takes the stress off me..

So, If your going to post your useless opinions, I ask you leave. Thanks! :D
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dont PM botters, it freaks them out and makes them wonder about you, just leave them alone.
Not just what CodenameG said, but people aren't required to respond to your whispers. I don't waste my time while playing legit to respond to people I don't know.
I see no put arguing over this, clearly none of you understand, so just forget it.
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I see no put arguing over this, clearly none of you understand, so just forget it.

we dont understand cause nothing you said makes sense other then you trying to get rid of competition.

anything needed to say about the op is already said. Maybe its you who does not understand or you need to rephrase your question.
we dont understand cause nothing you said makes sense other then you trying to get rid of competition.

anything needed to say about the op is already said. Maybe its you who does not understand or you need to rephrase your question.

Question was clear, simply, why does it not display message when message players (Possible Botter, usinging an addon to stop PMs) - It wasn't really all that difficult you know, only everyone and their dog threw a massive fit over it..
stop pm's

wtf u talking about.

i know about some plugin to wisper back but stop pm's ?

You shut down your wispers in the chat menu, like i do most of the time cause i dont need to talk to people i dont know.

other then that, your question is not that simple as i dont have a effin clue what you mean.

Then my question pops up : why do you even try to figure this out on people that " so obviously " bot in your opinion.
The gentleman asked, is there an add-on or such which nullifies the text coming up on the screen. Because he pm'ed some people regardless or if they look suspicious or not. And the text didn't appear on his screen. Nothing happened. So he is asking is there an add on which does that. Not one time did he mention anything about getting rid of competition. He didn't say he reported him or bad mouthed him. Just trying to inquire if a whisper not showing up on your screen has to do with an add-on or with a botter. Pretty damn straight forward.

That I know of no. There is some add-on you can use which gets rid of the chat log in general. So you won't be bothered when doing something of importance.

Thanks very much, Kickrockz - I cannot understand why nobody else could have just posted that :D

I go checking 'Curse' out for any relevant Addons :D

Thanks again!
I need that addon when I play as a Mage to stop people trying to get portals all the damn time.
The gentleman asked, is there an add-on or such which nullifies the text coming up on the screen. Because he pm'ed some people regardless or if they look suspicious or not. And the text didn't appear on his screen. Nothing happened. So he is asking is there an add on which does that. Not one time did he mention anything about getting rid of competition. He didn't say he reported him or bad mouthed him. Just trying to inquire if a whisper not showing up on your screen has to do with an add-on or with a botter. Pretty damn straight forward.

That I know of no. There is some add-on you can use which gets rid of the chat log in general. So you won't be bothered when doing something of importance.

You for real, whatever he said, did not make ANY sense at all.

Chat not appearing, any addons... gtfo man, he pm'd someone and the text did not appear on his screen...

what is this, the same person posting on his 2nd account?

chat , not appearing on your screen can only be one thing:


PLz gtfo with all that bs of how much of a gentlemen he is and how you totally understood him....

Why does ppl always have to go Nerdrage as soon as some one asks a question?
It was simply a question... You dont have to start accusing him for stuff just cause you assume that he "might" report you guys...
And tbh... even if he didnt report you b4... If this was my thread and I got the response he did... I sure as hell would start reporting cause you guys dont deserve the bot when you act like this... This is suppose to be a "community"... Why the hell does every one have to act like jerks all the damn time!?

I understand your drastic response I just dont think its fair...
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You for real, whatever he said, did not make ANY sense at all.

Chat not appearing, any addons... gtfo man, he pm'd someone and the text did not appear on his screen...

what is this, the same person posting on his 2nd account?

chat , not appearing on your screen can only be one thing:


PLz gtfo with all that bs of how much of a gentlemen he is and how you totally understood him....


Your real?

It did not make sense for you ONLY.

And you dont have to reply here anymore.. Since u did not understand him and u cant help him!

Srsly who do you think you are to talk to ppl like that =d
Well I had this problem once as well. I couldn't see anything I wrote not in guild channel, trade, whispers etc. In the end I disabled all add ons and deleted the wow cache folder. Then I started to enable one add on after another until I found the one which caused this effect.
It helped for me. :-)