Hello Buddy community,
I have been a supporter of this software ever since I googled wowbots and honorbuddy came up as a hit. I have botted since vanilla on and off and I can assuredly say this is the best software that exists for wow at this moment. With the recent hype for 1.12.1 servers and the actual meet between Nostalrius, Blizz and Mike - I would like to know from the developers their stand on modifying the software to be capable for 1.12.1 servers? I would not mind paying another 20 euro to have the lifetime support for 1.12.1 as well as what I have for retail version right now. Let us have a civil discussion and if you look honorbuddy support would exceed any capabilities of the botting software that is available for current and future market of 1.12.1. Also before you say " you think you do, but you don't" - we actually want really bad.
I have been a supporter of this software ever since I googled wowbots and honorbuddy came up as a hit. I have botted since vanilla on and off and I can assuredly say this is the best software that exists for wow at this moment. With the recent hype for 1.12.1 servers and the actual meet between Nostalrius, Blizz and Mike - I would like to know from the developers their stand on modifying the software to be capable for 1.12.1 servers? I would not mind paying another 20 euro to have the lifetime support for 1.12.1 as well as what I have for retail version right now. Let us have a civil discussion and if you look honorbuddy support would exceed any capabilities of the botting software that is available for current and future market of 1.12.1. Also before you say " you think you do, but you don't" - we actually want really bad.
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