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Support for 1.12.1 Please discuss before closing!


Jan 15, 2010
Hello Buddy community,
I have been a supporter of this software ever since I googled wowbots and honorbuddy came up as a hit. I have botted since vanilla on and off and I can assuredly say this is the best software that exists for wow at this moment. With the recent hype for 1.12.1 servers and the actual meet between Nostalrius, Blizz and Mike - I would like to know from the developers their stand on modifying the software to be capable for 1.12.1 servers? I would not mind paying another 20 euro to have the lifetime support for 1.12.1 as well as what I have for retail version right now. Let us have a civil discussion and if you look honorbuddy support would exceed any capabilities of the botting software that is available for current and future market of 1.12.1. Also before you say " you think you do, but you don't" - we actually want really bad.
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I would actually be in favor of the buddy team creating a bot for 1.12.1 servers, it's up to them of course.
Hopefully, to keep up with the times I hope they do indeed create HB for legacy servers if they are possible at all so it would be awesome if we could just know if the buddy team has discussed this at all or has not brought legacy servers up until they're final.
I agree with you Val,
I have done a lot of google searches for honorbuddy legacy and all the threads usually end up getting insta closed with just one phrase "no support", I believe if there would be time it would be now to develop and modify current software to work with 1.12.1.
To give examples, some RS botting forums only kept up with the current build of RS and are not failing in compared to OSRS botting.
I hope the buddy team recognizes this and is at least considering the build IF leagcy servers hit.
I would like to also point out the availability of such software for private servers - were the demand is very high, would net new customers and less of legal constraint.
we do not and we wont support privates servers

an official vanilla server its a different story tho
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It's never going to happen. Discussion of private servers is against forum policies. The mere fact that that policy is in place should give you all the answers you need concerning the likelihood of HB ever working on these types of servers.
If at some point there is a Blizzard classic server and there is a need for automation, then we probably will be there too.
It's never going to happen. Discussion of private servers is against forum policies. The mere fact that that policy is in place should give you all the answers you need concerning the likelihood of HB ever working on these types of servers.

Wow jeez I messed this post up, I mean to say "I was referring to blizzard creating these servers."
I thought OP was too when he talked about the three parties talking.
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I apologize for my previous post, I misunderstood what the OP was asking. I do have an opinion on the subject of classic servers though...

I firmly believe that although a lot of people THINK they want classic servers, in reality they don't. A lot of people claim classic and retro games are so good, but when they actually go back to play them, they realize the game isn't what they were expecting...Especially in a series where each new release brings pretty massive upgrades and evolutions to the series.

I think classic servers would be popular for 1-2 months, then when people realize just how terrible the graphics are, just how long everything takes, just how bad it sucks in not having money for even mounts, they'll go right back to the the newest release of the game. I participated in the world second kill of Ragnaros and a top 5 kill of Kel'thuzad and C'thun...Although I loved the game back then, I know I don't actually want to play that game again.

Sure I'd sign a petition to bring back classic servers...I just don't think I'd continue to play them even enough to get a character to 60.
If at some point there is a Blizzard classic server and there is a need for automation, then we probably will be there too.
Thank you for an answer! Any idea if it would still be a honorbuddy key or will it be on its own?
Thank you for an answer! Any idea if it would still be a honorbuddy key or will it be on its own?
I doubt anyone would answer on question, which still do not exist.

Aka, Blizzard have not announced still if/when they would launch any kind of Classic servers.