protected override Composite CreateCombat()
return new PrioritySelector(
Cast(r => WhichPet, r => Core.Player.Pet == null && Actionmanager.HasSpell(WhichPet), r => Core.Player),
Apply("Bio II"),
Cast("Energy Drain",r=> Core.Player.CurrentManaPercent < WindowSettings.RestEnergyDone),
Cast("Ruin", r => true)
protected override Composite CreateCombat()
return new PrioritySelector(
Cast(r => WhichPet, r => Core.Player.Pet == null && Actionmanager.HasSpell(WhichPet), r => Core.Player),
Apply("Bio II"),
Cast("Bane",r=> true && EnemiesNearTarget(7) >= 1 && Core.Player.CurrentTarget.HasMyAura("Bio") && Core.Player.CurrentTarget.HasMyAura("Bio II") && Core.Player.CurrentTarget.HasMyAura("Miasma")),
Cast("Ruin", r => true)
show us the code you have so far in visual studio to help us better determine where the error is in your code.
EDIT: Ok, I just bought RB to mess around with it, and I think this is the area you are messing with?:
Code:protected override Composite CreateCombat() { return new PrioritySelector( Cast(r => WhichPet, r => Core.Player.Pet == null && Actionmanager.HasSpell(WhichPet), r => Core.Player), Apply("Bio II"), Apply("Miasma"), Apply("Bio"), Cast("Energy Drain",r=> Core.Player.CurrentManaPercent < WindowSettings.RestEnergyDone), Cast("Ruin", r => true) ); }
If yours looks similiar to that, within the PrioritySelector try something like:
Code:protected override Composite CreateCombat() { return new PrioritySelector( Cast(r => WhichPet, r => Core.Player.Pet == null && Actionmanager.HasSpell(WhichPet), r => Core.Player), Apply("Bio II"), Apply("Miasma"), Apply("Bio"), Cast("Bane",r=> true && EnemiesNearTarget(7) >= 1 && Core.Player.CurrentTarget.HasMyAura("Bio") && Core.Player.CurrentTarget.HasMyAura("Bio II") && Core.Player.CurrentTarget.HasMyAura("Miasma")), Cast("Ruin", r => true) ); }
Mind you, this is just after 5 or so minutes looking at it and is not tested, but might give you more of a better idea on what to do.
HasMyAura doesn't seem to work. i switched it to HasAura instead and i get the results i expect but the only issue would be if multiple people are attacking the same mob.
Cast("Bane",r=> true && EnemiesNearTarget(7) >= 1 && Core.Player.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Bio") && Core.Player.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Bio II") && Core.Player.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Miasma")),
Cast("Bane",r=> true && EnemiesNearTarget(7) >= 1 && Core.Player.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Bio", true) && Core.Player.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Bio II", true) && Core.Player.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Miasma", true)),
ok that seems to work pretty well. One other question if you dont mind. How do i change the priority of dots applying? i want it to go bio II > miasma > bio
Apply("Bio II"),
Cast("Bane",r=> true && Core.Player.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Bio", true) && Core.Player.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Bio II", true) && Core.Player.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Miasma", true)),
Cast("Ruin", r => true)