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Yes, it's possible.
Just a mater of time, and noone, even Buddy Staff, can tell about this right now.
It will depend on a lots of things, but don't expect it to be released and up-to-date within a hour
Its extremely likely blizzard will patch on raid release.. For no other reason but to bring all the bots offline.. for a little time at least.
Its also a realy good way for blizzard to catch bots.. All the bots/rotation software will be in a hurry to get the product live - as the first rotation bot live will most likely get allots of new clients.. The bot devs may miss something in there haste to go live.. boom every one is banned..
I don't use HB for raiding-(WOW@8K and HB32 bit just dosnt work) however if I did I personally wouldn't use it on patch night.