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Strange Warlock Bug


New Member
Mar 9, 2010
The rotation seems weird, it will sometimes cast drain life... sometimes shadowbolt

The best rotation is always

Corruption, Curse of Agony, Drain life etc, Life Tap, Drain life etc...

Every fight my char does Drain Soul, gets a shard and deletes it immediately, so every mob im draining and it looks really dodgy!?
Just the standard warlock one, I tried your one but found the rotation on that really odd too, would just throw random shadowbolts and never really drainlife no matter what I put in config :/
Just the standard warlock one, I tried your one but found the rotation on that really odd too, would just throw random shadowbolts and never really drainlife no matter what I put in config :/

I'm rewriting the entire lock CC right now, but in the mean time can you post up the standard one you're using and I'll look at it.
It's too long to post it says =/

I'm using the one it comes with when you first ever download it
Thanks, I'm new to HB (Previous Glider Elite/Omega Bot user) and the program itself is amazing just the CC for warlocks is dreadful... would spot this as a bot a mile away, has a few seconds delay between casting sometimes, 60fps, 10mb cable internet and quad core pc so I know it's nothing wrong there
Aye I did but it was the same, threw random shadowbolts, would never drain life :S
I forgot that the default one wasn't configurable. Can you try this one? I edited it to fit your settings (I think, I'm guessing your level based on the spells you listed). Its an older version of mine that I was using as recently as today, successfully.


Just tried that one, it uses shadowbolt :S

I know omegabot/glider used to do Corruption, COA, Drainlife, Lifetap etc etc.... shadowbolt is mana consuming and hogs aggro from VW
Just tried that one, it uses shadowbolt :S

I know omegabot/glider used to do Corruption, COA, Drainlife, Lifetap etc etc.... shadowbolt is mana consuming and hogs aggro from VW

You took out any other warlock CC's from the folder right? There can only be 1 CC in the CustomClass folder. Also, can you post up an excerpt of your log, a few fights?
Aye I took out the other warlock one, so theres one of each class

[22:32:08:986] Took 1560 ms to cast:Curse of Agony
[22:32:10:83] CastSpellById: 7648
[22:32:11:618] Took 1560 ms to cast:Corruption
[22:32:11:736] CastSpellById: 7641
[22:32:13:269] Took 1544 ms to cast:Shadow Bolt
[22:32:17:173] CastSpellById: 7641
[22:32:18:710] Took 1576 ms to cast:Shadow Bolt
[22:32:22:542] CastSpellById: 7641
[22:32:24:75] Took 1575 ms to cast:Shadow Bolt
[22:32:27:804] CastSpellById: 11687
[22:32:29:338] Took 1560 ms to cast:Life Tap
[22:32:30:716] interact: 0x156217B8
[22:32:30:746] interact done: 0x156217B8
[22:32:59:321] CastSpellById: 11711
[22:33:00:857] Took 1560 ms to cast:Curse of Agony
[22:33:02:71] CastSpellById: 7648
[22:33:03:605] Took 1576 ms to cast:Corruption
[22:33:03:727] CastSpellById: 7641
[22:33:05:261] Took 1544 ms to cast:Shadow Bolt
[22:33:09:568] CastSpellById: 7641
[22:33:11:101] Took 1560 ms to cast:Shadow Bolt
[22:33:15:216] CastSpellById: 7641
[22:33:16:751] Took 1560 ms to cast:Shadow Bolt
[22:33:20:596] CastSpellById: 11687
[22:33:22:129] Took 1560 ms to cast:Life Tap
[22:33:23:612] interact: 0x1565FB08
[22:33:23:642] interact done: 0x1565FB08
, NaN>, new: <-4352.164, 522.8264, 48.31812>
[22:34:17:671] CastSpellById: 7651
[22:34:19:207] Took 1560 ms to cast:Drain Life
[22:34:24:79] CastSpellById: 11711
[22:34:25:619] Took 1576 ms to cast:Curse of Agony
[22:34:25:813] CastSpellById: 7648
[22:34:27:345] Took 1575 ms to cast:Corruption
[22:34:27:468] CastSpellById: 7641
[22:34:29:3] Took 1545 ms to cast:Shadow Bolt
[22:34:33:561] CastSpellById: 7641
[22:34:35:95] Took 1575 ms to cast:Shadow Bolt
[22:34:42:994] CastSpellById: 11687
[22:34:44:532] Took 1576 ms to cast:Life Tap
[22:34:46:37] interact: 0x156217B8
[22:34:46:66] interact done: 0x156217B8
[22:34:51:708] CastSpellById: 11711
[22:34:53:241] Took 1560 ms to cast:Curse of Agony
[22:34:54:180] CastSpellById: 7651
[22:34:55:715] Took 1576 ms to cast:Drain Life
[22:35:00:593] CastSpellById: 7648
[22:35:02:125] Took 1560 ms to cast:Corruption
[22:35:02:264] CastSpellById: 7641
[22:35:03:796] Took 1576 ms to cast:Shadow Bolt
[22:35:08:278] CastSpellById: 7641
That looks normal to me. You don't have UA or Haunt yet, so the spells you have at your disposal are Corruption/CoA/Drain Life/Bolt. By default its set to cast CoA, Corruption as needed, Drain Life when you're below 50% and lifetap when you're above 50% health and below 50% mana, if none of those conditions are true (if target has Corr/CoA, and you don't meet the thresholds for Lifetap/DrainLife) it will spam shadowbolt. You can change those if you prefer to drain life more often. If you open the CC in notepad you should see the following code, just change drainLifePercent to 80 (or 100 if you really want to just use that), and change lifeTapMinhealth to 30 and lifeTapMaxMana to 80. That will have it spamming lifetap and drain life along with corruption and CoA.

    public int maxShards = 4; //maximum amount of shards to keep
    public int drainLifePercent = 50 ; //cast drain life if health gets this low
    public int drainLifeMinTargetHealth = 20; //dont drain life if npc health is this low
    public int healPetPercent = 30; //heal pet if his health gets this low
    public int healPetStopPercent = 80; //stop healing pet if health is this high
    public int dontHealPetBelow = 30; //dont heal pet if my health is this low
    public int healthStoneUsePercent = 30; //use healthstone if health is this low
    public int healthPotionUsePercent = 20; //use health potion if health is this low
    public int manaPotionUsePercent = 5; //use mana potion if mana is this low
    public int restHealth = 20; //eat if health is this low out of combat
    public int restMana = 20; //drink if mana is this low out of combat
    public int lifeTapMinHealth = 50; //don't lifetap if health is this low
    public int lifeTapMaxMana = 50; //dont lifetap if mana is this high
    public int deathCoilHealthPercent = 40; //cast death coil if health is this low in combat
    public int dotMinTargetHealth = 15; //dont recast dots if npc health is this low
    public int shadowBoltMinTargetHealth = 15; //dont cast shadow bolt if npc health is this low
    public bool useDarkPact = false; //use dark pact [untested]
    public int darkPactMinMana = 80; //use dark pact if mana gets this low
    public int drainSoulMaxHealthPercent = 30; //if need shards, use drain soul at this health %
    public int averageLag = 100; //if you have a high lag, increase this
    public string pet = "Felhunter"; //acceptable values are "Imp" "Voidwalker" "Felhunter" "Succubus" "Felguard"
    public bool pullWithShadowBolt = false; //open pulls with Shadowbolt (for that buff talent, I forget the name)
    public int chaseDistance = 35; //distance to stop chasing in PvP
    public bool useFearPvp = true; //use fear in PvP
    public bool useSpellstone = false; //use spellstone
    public bool useFirestone = true; //use firestone
    public bool useUnendingBreath = false; //use unending breath (when farming in areas with water)
    public bool useSacrifice = false; // use voidwalker sacrifice
    public int sacrificeHealthPercent = 30; // health to use sacrifice
    public int wandHealth = 10; // use wand if health gets this low [this and below must be true to wand]
    public int wandMana = 10; // use wand if mana gets this low [this and above must be true to wand]
    public bool useShadowbolt = true; // whether or not to use shadowbolt in combat rotation (doesnt affect pulling with it)
    public bool useUA = true;
    public bool useCorruption = true;
    public bool useHaunt = true;
    public bool useCoA = true;
    public bool useCoE = false;
    public bool germanClient = false; // only set this to true if you're using the german wow client
    public bool fightAdds = true;
    public bool useDemonicEmpowerment = false;
    public int fearCount = 2;
I put it at 100, it still just stands there, does corruption, does COA and stands there never draining, that's what I can't understand