Yesterday before the Patch of today, i got the message "Game Dropped" after the games starts. So, i wait for the update of today. Now, after the 1st game gone successful the 2nd one started again with "Game Dropped". net Framework is latetest. Last Message of the Bot:
2015-10-25 05:01:52,752 [Pulsator Thread] INFO OutOfGamePulsator - Current game is loading... waiting....
2015-10-25 05:02:01,102 [Pulsator Thread] INFO DefaultCombatRoutine - Current combat logic set to Anubarak
2015-10-25 05:02:01,144 [Pulsator Thread] INFO DefaultBot - Idling for security pause
Wait for a new patch?
2015-10-25 05:01:52,752 [Pulsator Thread] INFO OutOfGamePulsator - Current game is loading... waiting....
2015-10-25 05:02:01,102 [Pulsator Thread] INFO DefaultCombatRoutine - Current combat logic set to Anubarak
2015-10-25 05:02:01,144 [Pulsator Thread] INFO DefaultBot - Idling for security pause
Wait for a new patch?