While there are a number of profiles that don't work with HB3, there are also many that do work. I simply go to the profile I am thinking about using and check the update logs. It looks like over half of mine have been swapped over and updated to HB3. The quest 1-110 seems to work in this new expansion, but it is not afk at the moment. You have to watch it and hold its hand a bit, but hey... its a lot easier than hand leveling. I have to nudge it along at certain points, but its not too bad. For as long as this expansion has been out, I am impressed with how good its getting already. Can you imagine what it will be like in a couple months? At least this way, I am actually having to go through the content. At this point, I think they are focusing on getting the questing down. Have a little faith that the t's will get crossed and the i's will get dotted. There would be no good time to swap platforms, so this is the best time to do it. Bang the keyboard for a while peeps, or wait a couple months and come back when the kinks are ironed out.... my 2cents....
Keep up the good work guys! People don't like change while they are going through it... It will be worth it, I am sure...