Stopped working the easiest profile
<Profile Name="" Author="" Version="">
<Hotspot X="-28605.3867" Y="-744.1123" Z="-29088.4473" Timeout="60" Range="40" Name="1" />
<Hotspot X="-28651.09" Y="-745.4627" Z="-29133.1523" Timeout="60" Range="40" Name="2" />
<Hotspot X="-28643.7148" Y="-745.327942" Z="-29097.3262" Timeout="60" Range="40" Name="3" />
<Hotspot X="-28693.9824" Y="-741.085449" Z="-29074.543" Timeout="60" Range="40" Name="4" />
<Hotspot X="-28657.0879" Y="-743.047241" Z="-29038.17" Timeout="60" Range="40" Name="5" />
<Hotspot X="-28618.8086" Y="-737.143" Z="-29043.2227" Timeout="60" Range="40" Name="6" />
<Hotspot X="-28579.9375" Y="-735.7292" Z="-29021.5566" Timeout="60" Range="40" Name="7" />
<Hotspot X="-28567.459" Y="-737.1553" Z="-29036.2617" Timeout="60" Range="40" Name="8" />
<Hotspot X="-28551.5273" Y="-745.4959" Z="-29078.7559" Timeout="60" Range="40" Name="9" />
Grind Tag is set to kill [85502 - NonPlayer | 33985] Glacial Abomination , Position: X:-28611,8 Y:-744,2102 Z:-29091,98, Facing: X:0,2714756 Y:0 Z:0,9624453 W:0, Heading: -2,866667
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Grind Tag is set to kill [85502 - NonPlayer | 33985] Glacial Abomination , Position: X:-28611,8 Y:-744,2102 Z:-29091,98, Facing: X:0,2714756 Y:0 Z:0,9624453 W:0, Heading: -2,866667
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Collider
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Grind Tag is set to kill [85502 - NonPlayer | 33985] Glacial Abomination , Position: X:-28611,8 Y:-744,2102 Z:-29091,98, Facing: X:0,2714756 Y:0 Z:0,9624453 W:0, Heading: -2,866667
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
<Profile Name="" Author="" Version="">
<Hotspot X="-28605.3867" Y="-744.1123" Z="-29088.4473" Timeout="60" Range="40" Name="1" />
<Hotspot X="-28651.09" Y="-745.4627" Z="-29133.1523" Timeout="60" Range="40" Name="2" />
<Hotspot X="-28643.7148" Y="-745.327942" Z="-29097.3262" Timeout="60" Range="40" Name="3" />
<Hotspot X="-28693.9824" Y="-741.085449" Z="-29074.543" Timeout="60" Range="40" Name="4" />
<Hotspot X="-28657.0879" Y="-743.047241" Z="-29038.17" Timeout="60" Range="40" Name="5" />
<Hotspot X="-28618.8086" Y="-737.143" Z="-29043.2227" Timeout="60" Range="40" Name="6" />
<Hotspot X="-28579.9375" Y="-735.7292" Z="-29021.5566" Timeout="60" Range="40" Name="7" />
<Hotspot X="-28567.459" Y="-737.1553" Z="-29036.2617" Timeout="60" Range="40" Name="8" />
<Hotspot X="-28551.5273" Y="-745.4959" Z="-29078.7559" Timeout="60" Range="40" Name="9" />
Grind Tag is set to kill [85502 - NonPlayer | 33985] Glacial Abomination , Position: X:-28611,8 Y:-744,2102 Z:-29091,98, Facing: X:0,2714756 Y:0 Z:0,9624453 W:0, Heading: -2,866667
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Grind Tag is set to kill [85502 - NonPlayer | 33985] Glacial Abomination , Position: X:-28611,8 Y:-744,2102 Z:-29091,98, Facing: X:0,2714756 Y:0 Z:0,9624453 W:0, Heading: -2,866667
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Casting Collider
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Grind Tag is set to kill [85502 - NonPlayer | 33985] Glacial Abomination , Position: X:-28611,8 Y:-744,2102 Z:-29091,98, Facing: X:0,2714756 Y:0 Z:0,9624453 W:0, Heading: -2,866667
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized
Cannot generate paths before the map is initialized