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stop botting in ULDUM


Jan 15, 2010
Just a friendly reminder, there have been plenty of ULDUM related bans in the past and recently. Id say play it a bit safer and just skip botting in Uldum. Its not worth even risking the area.

for those of you questing there, you can do Deepholme till 84 and go traight to Twilight Highlands from there.
Just wondering, what is the cause of the bans?
Player reports?
Most likely. Uldum is consistently the most populated Cata zone on my server. If you want to be safe, just don't bot in Uldum and especially don't do it anytime during peak hours. You're just asking to get reported.
Just understand the risk, personally I still bot there but that's because there is very few people there on my realm.
These sort of threads can help new botters understand the risk but also cause people to think others are telling them what to do.

Happy botting y'all.
man all I see in Uldum on my server are lvl 80s, to me that's an automatic report from other players, I only farm in there when am close to cpu, I've got so many whispers asking to report low lvls, that's not even worth botting there unattended anymore
I've been botting 3 toons in uldum for months no bans or whispers anything but where else would you suggest to bot
If someone only could code a new plugin to HB called common sense, we wouldnt have this kind of problem.
I've been banned questing in twlight highlands before around the dragon area quest hub. When my account was finally unbanned and I logged back in on that character I was like way up in the air above the npc that's in the bottom of the tree trying to get to it. My guess is, the bot did some of that spin around back and forth buggy botting looking stuff and warden picked up on it. I highly doubt someone saw me up there and reported me. Unless I was reported earlier that day or a couple of days before that. I'm pretty sure it's not impossible for Blizz to make warden keep an eye out on some of these quest where people get stuck while botting. And, and I say and, those of us that do use the same Questing profiles we all take the same paths for the same quest, I'm sure there's a way for blizz/warden to pick up on that as well. Just like how it's very unsafe to use farming profile in the same spot for over a few hours/days.
bullshit, said it many times before and will say it again.


If all leave Uldum and go Twilight Highlands, then that will be the new bot central.

So thats just bullshit asking to leave Uldum other then to hope some bots on your server do aswell by posting here

creating some more profit for you...

Player reports ban you, not being in a specific zone. If i do a /who Twilight Highlands from sw, i can report all names in a ticket aswell.

So plz, be real. Bot wherever you like, you have as much chance to get banned on any continent.

Botting for months btw, and still going strong there. Just bot wise.
Well, I guess that's about personal experience. I've been botting since Cataclysm day one. Mainly at Twilight because whiptail is not of my interest. Four months ago tried the multiprofile and included Uldum. Got my three accounts suspended in less than 24h. Nothing else changed in my botting pattern, same amount of time, same AH posting, just added botting in Uldum.

Nonetheless to say, I avoid Uldum like the plague xD
bullshit, said it many times before and will say it again.


If all leave Uldum and go Twilight Highlands, then that will be the new bot central.

So thats just bullshit asking to leave Uldum other then to hope some bots on your server do aswell by posting here

creating some more profit for you...

Player reports ban you, not being in a specific zone. If i do a /who Twilight Highlands from sw, i can report all names in a ticket aswell.

So plz, be real. Bot wherever you like, you have as much chance to get banned on any continent.

Botting for months btw, and still going strong there. Just bot wise.

A few things

1) Calm down man, you're gonna blow a gasket if you keep this up ROFL! And ASKING to do what?? I didn't ask anyone to do anything. I made a SUGGESTION! I formulated my own opinion and offered it as a suggestion only not a demand.. Where I live people can do that not sure if you are familiar with this concept.
2) Creating more profit for me... WHERE? What server am I on? Am I Horde or Alliance? What would the possibility be that we are on the same server? Realisticly????? Cmon man THINK before you make stuff up...
3)Player reports you/WARDEN finds you doing a loop a loop and you're screwed...
4)nobodys questioning the fact that botting in general is banable. Please re read what I posted.
5)If I had to side with your 1 post opposing my theory and the 5 others on THIS THREAD ALONE(not to mention other threads on Uldum) Id have to side with the majority.

Enjoy your profits and prosper!!! =)
Are people still making threads like this? Come on... This thread has been posted thousands of times. These threads are so pointless now that it's wasting the buddys forums bandwidth.
Just babysit the bot (atleast 50/50%) then it's all good. And stop using a public profile for your gathering...