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Noob question. How do I use the "stats" plugin? I have it enabled, but when I click it all I see is "reset". Does it export these stats somewhere, or is there an overlay which displays them?
I've also tried to add the overlay offered in the "Global" plugin, but it only causes my EB to crash on startup. I figured maybe that's where the stats might display, but I'm not sure.
The Stats is just a simple run counter displayed on the bottom right corner of the main GUI. Stat tracking of bot metrics is not supported because all that stuff needs to be integrated into all of the code and any plugins that change tasks and stuff. I don't want to hack all that stuff in, but rather design an API or provide some guidelines for people to use so things work consistently no matter what you use. However, that's a low priority QoL feature for now, so there won't be any changes for that in the mean time.