the easyest, the fastsest, and the most OP for cata is pally... wen cata hits palas or op has hell for retri sepc...
i did not write this...
Rundown of changes
1. Exorcism has no cooldown (big one)
2. Holy wrath can hit ANY target... 15 second cooldown. Pure holy damage. No longer affected by attack power (glyphed it has no cooldown at the moment!)
3. Rebuke (talented interupt)
4. Hammer of wrath usable when using wings
5. Judgement of the wise: no longer instant 20% base mana BUT gives 50% over 10 seconds (this is important) talented does another 1% per 5 seconds for 15 seconds for a total of ~53% over 10 seconds
5. Templar's Verdict (up to 225% weapon damage attack effected by attack power)
6. DoT seal increased damage by quite a bit (30% talented)
7. Divine storm no longer a free cast. (costs holy power to make it do good damage)
8. 40% chance to generate holy power from; Judgement, Exorcism, Holy Wrath, Inquisition, Divine Storm & Templar's Verdict.
9. Power word glory: instant cast, no mana cost heal that is based on your spellpower/attack power but also scales based on holy power (requires at least one)
10. Seal of command now works for ALL seals, and makes all weapon attacks worth 107%
11. Selfless healer... (the answer to our prayers) this allows for anyone we heal with our power word glory to get an additional 100% bonus healing(calculated before crit)
12. The Art Of War: ALL melee attacks (including crusader strike and divine storm) can proc an instant cast 60% reduced mana cost and 60% increased damage EXORCISM
13. Inquisition (increased holy damage done by 30% for... 30 seconds talented)
14. Guardian of the ancient kings... 2 minuet cooldown but a pet comes and attacks with you for 30 seconds. The pet CANNOT be killed. Hits like a gimp at the moment though >_>
15. At the moment seal of truth hits like a fucking TRUCK... like for real. upwards to 5k per tick.
16. Zealotry... Our.. 15 seconds of "you die."
17: Radiance: healing stream that is effected by spell power... can crit, lasts 10 seconds... on 4 paladins it heals for somewhere like 40k over 10 seconds.
What do the changes mean exactly?
We are even more unstopable now than we were before. Even fully decked out in gear a tank with 120k life will die in a single shot. Ret is really OP right now. Obviously there will be some nerfs but lets be serious... they've taken a lot of time and effort into balancing ret and they feel they've done a good job. Honestly they have minus the one hiccup of all things effected by holy damage getting huge buffs.
People were like "omg healing is gone!" well... NOPE. With the ease we get holy power (everything we use either giving 100% or 40% chance to give us holy power... even moves that COST holy power) it is very efficient to heal as well as DPS. It also heals OTHERS for 100% extra onto what it normally does. So this means with 3 stacks of holy power it starts out baseline at over 10,000 non crit ON OTHERS. With two stacks it's about 7k and thats non crit... meaning we can effectively heal for approximately 1/3 of one person's health every 3-5 seconds. That is a bit ridiculous. Yes it involves luck of getting some extra holy power to spare. But even at 1 stack It does about 3.5k non crit... so about 15kish non crit and 30k crit... thats not OP? 1/3 of your life if you crit? Which we have about a 30% chance to crit with it anyway.
The rate and ease at which holy power is generated combined with the amount of damage some things do is absolutely rediculous... as it stands now here are some of the numbers (after the patching of 200% extra damage from ret aura)...all below this are the highest crits i've seen on my own toon.
All are under the effects of inquisition.
Templar's verdict(3 holy power): 24,700
Templar's verdict(2 holy power): 12,000
Exorcism: 24,000 (will go down after the change to mastery)
Judgement: 12,000
Crusader Strike: 13,000
Holy wrath: 11,000 (will go down after the change to mastery)
2 holy power divine storm: 10,000
3 holy power divine storm: 15,000
DoT from seal: 5,000 (though using this is prob not going to happen)
Seal hit: 4,000
White (lvl 83 blue wep): 8,800
Now if you think about things here... Assuming we have 4 paladins...this is what you are looking at
DoT that hits EVERY second for 500-5,000 per (depending on stacks)... you COULD technically tick away 20,000 life on someone who has 5 stacks... but that's not likely to happen and we'll end up using another seal light righteousness or something.
Assuming exorcism gets nerfed in say... half? That's still a 1.5 second cast that does 25% of your opponent's life from afar NON CRIT.
4x Full templar's verdict WILL kill anyone... PERIOD if they crit... and if they don't it's still more than half their life.
So you could technically have something like this happen...
Far exorcism > Judgement> crusader strike> holy wrath> templar's verdict (two-3 white hits in there somewhere)
Crit damage = ~10,000(assuming here)> 12,000> 13,000 > 11,000 > 20,000
Multiplied by 4 = ~40,000 > 46,000 > 52,000 > 44,000 > 80,000 and 2-3 swings for upwards to 10k (assuming 80 starter BS wep) So technically you would have killed one, and templar'd the second and likely killed them too.
Even if you divide those numbers in half (not critting etc, bad luck w/e) its still about 1/2 their life in a global cooldown. + autoattacks and such...the damage is INSANE.