No point to start again. They'll just add a new hiddden detection vector in a new hotfix patch and you'll get banned again next 1-2 months. Will never return to wow after this.
I wonder how many customers HB lost this banwave. I'm sorry but the good days are over.
FYI, they don't need to patch, or change anything with the WoW files in order to detect the bot again.
1-2 months is a pretty long timeI heard someone mention they've implemented a new function (System32.ReadProcessMemory) in the recent patch which is currently not in use and they didnt see any use of it. That will probably be the next detection vector and if its true that it can be activated on-the-fly we will see another banwave very soon (1-2 months) How can HB developers be sure they're not scanning outside of wow.exe? They're very quiet and not informing us what has happened, how could they have missed the detection vector after hours of debuging and updating offsets.
That's the way to do botting.I am already back at it. Using 5.00 WoD accounts to farm old content. Who cares if they ban me. I also do not have any of the ridiculous attunement shit with legion.