Yet again another problem with my HB.
I edited my QuestOrder to "False" because it was fooling around in low level areas.
Yet again, it just fools around in Southern STV and when I came back from AFK'ing 10 minutes I found my char, standing on a isle doing nothing.
My HB say "Wait time 00.... of 03....." And, doesn't do anything.
Got no quests there, and I even have two completed quests it could be finishing.
What's wrong?
Yet again another problem with my HB.
I edited my QuestOrder to "False" because it was fooling around in low level areas.
Yet again, it just fools around in Southern STV and when I came back from AFK'ing 10 minutes I found my char, standing on a isle doing nothing.
My HB say "Wait time 00.... of 03....." And, doesn't do anything.
Got no quests there, and I even have two completed quests it could be finishing.
What's wrong?