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Stacks of epic gems everywhere these days


New Member
Feb 27, 2012
Anyone else notice this lately? Multiple stacks of Queens Garnet's on the AH by one seller etc. What's the deal here? Duping in full effect?
i never saw stacks of epic gems. I do see people selling 20 maelstrom stacks but no epic gems stacks.
Just curious, Does anyone know the program (exploit, etc) name for dupe?

Just curious, Does anyone know the program (exploit, etc) name for dupe?


If there is a dupe atm, then it is level 2 and not available for us.

But i really doubt there is one. Maybe its a Bank Twink of one of the big raiding guilds who sells them.
There was a dupe that got fixed not long ago.

There is now a new one (That is not fixed)

Most of the gems you are seeing tho is what people have left over from the first dupe method (That one was made public)
There is a working dupe method tight now. It's private, it's working, and I've made more profit with it than I have in 6 months with 5 accounts gatherbotting ~15hours/day.
Guess you wont give away much info Tagmo but is the duping controled by an application or a WoW glitch? and is it a quick and easy process?
Thanks for the replies. I knew something wasn't right. Definitely time to find the exploit, lol. ;)
Heard Blizzard plan on smashing the hell out of the dupers this time around.
Don't plan on abusing it myself as I got enough gold to not worry about making more and so far I've not been touched with even a warning.

Personally I think it won't be difficult for Blizzard to really hurt people duping this time around as the last lot of duping caused hell with the gem market.
Heard Blizzard plan on smashing the hell out of the dupers this time around.
Don't plan on abusing it myself as I got enough gold to not worry about making more and so far I've not been touched with even a warning.

Personally I think it won't be difficult for Blizzard to really hurt people duping this time around as the last lot of duping caused hell with the gem market.

Some guys are really asking for the ban hammer. Couple of guys in trade on my server advertising 90+ epic gems over and over for hours.
Heard Blizzard plan on smashing the hell out of the dupers this time around.
Don't plan on abusing it myself as I got enough gold to not worry about making more and so far I've not been touched with even a warning.

Personally I think it won't be difficult for Blizzard to really hurt people duping this time around as the last lot of duping caused hell with the gem market.

I want the gems for personal use only :)

Yep its a dupe. Check out the battered hilts.

I know people who have whole guild banks full of them...
This dupe has been active for at least 3 months, unfortunately not many people know about it, because blizzard has never admitted that there was one.
There have been cases where people bought 500k+ worth of gems, and got banned and items deleted the 2nd day due to this. There was an actual post about this on mmo-champion.
The dupe is affecting the economy, its hitting hard like a hammer on the gold prices. If this keeps up for 2 more months, botting to sell gold will be history. We are very close to that point. Blizzard doesnt seem to want to fix this issue, because its been up for so long and still its not fixed. Even the US servers are getting a lot of these dupes, and we all know that US are much more strict and customer support is way better than EU.
i believe it is just hacked account maybe a guild leader hacked or someone else with withdraw priviliges nothing more nothing less....
Yes, there are 1-2 of those on each low pop realm, and 10+ on high population realms (with good gold demand) and considering there are hundreds of wow realms, 400+ . Each day a new hacked "guild master" just shows up and sells you a few hundred red gems at half of the market value.
Let me guess, you believe in Santa, right?
Do you get banned for buying these gems? or they just for after the sellers
Yes, there are 1-2 of those on each low pop realm, and 10+ on high population realms (with good gold demand) and considering there are hundreds of wow realms, 400+ . Each day a new hacked "guild master" just shows up and sells you a few hundred red gems at half of the market value.
Let me guess, you believe in Santa, right?

What???????? there's no Santa????