I encountered a challenge with using WorldManager.Teleport and WorldManager.TeleportById methods. I am in possession of an Apartment and an Estate in the same housing district, and using that district's aetheryteID takes me to the one at the top of my teleport list. Using WorldManager.AvailableLocations I found the following:
Is there a way for me to specify the SubIndex? I can't find it on rbdocumentation.
Posting as requested from release thread.
Name: Estate Hall (Private) AetheryteId: 60 Cost:17 Zone:340 SubIndex:128
Name: Estate Hall (Free Company) AetheryteId: 58 Cost:80 Zone:341 SubIndex:0
Name: Estate Hall (Private) AetheryteId: 60 Cost:17 Zone:340 SubIndex:1
Posting as requested from release thread.