A thread has been posted on the spanish forum by a Comunity Manager saying:
It seems they've not taken well losing in german court :S
Acciones recientes contra Bots en World of Warcraft
Hemos tomado acciones contra un gran número de cuentas de World of Warcraft tras confirmar que usaban programas de terceros, conocidos como “bots”, para automatizar el juego. Nuestro compromiso es proporcionar unas reglas justas e iguales para todos en World of Warcraft y continuaremos tomando acciones contra aquellos que violen nuestros Términos de Uso. No permitiremos ninguna forma de trampas.
Si piensas que has visto a un jugador usando un bot, un exploit o trampas, por favor, infórmanos usando la herramienta de reportes dentro de juego. Si tienes información general sobre sitios acerca de programas de terceros y trampas o sobre nuevo software para hacer trampas puedes enviarla por correo electrónico a nuestro equipo de Hacks en [email protected].
Recent actions against Bots in WoW
We have taking actions against a big amount of WoW accounts after confirmation of the usage of third party programs, known as "bots", to automatize the game. Our compromise is to give right and equal rules for all WoW players and we'll go on taking actions against those who brake our Terms of Use. We won't tolerate any way of cheat.
If you think you have seen a player using a bot, an exploit or cheats, please notice us using the report tool ingame. If you have general information about sites about third party programs and cheats, of about new software to cheat you can send it through email to our team of Hacks in [email protected].
It seems they've not taken well losing in german court :S