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Some questions from a prospecitve customer

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New Member
Jul 21, 2011
I saw that Blizzard is suing the company behind HB/GB and did a quick search and found this site and have read over some of the forum. I never really seriously considered botting until I saw the quality of the videos and how good they appear to be now. I have to admit, that I'm still on the fence, not sure exactly how risky it is and even exactly what would be at risk.

Let me explain a little further. We have multiple computers and multiple accounts already in the household - all behind a wireless router. Obviously if I did start botting, I would do it on a brand new account (figuring I'd take advantage of RAF as long at that wasn't too risky) and the bot would run on the new account but it would run on one of the computers that one of the other accounts normally use - when it's not running the other account. I'd use the bot to do some leveling and get raw mats (ore and herbs) which would be put into a guild bank that is exclusively shared by the other toons/accounts that are in the household. The mats would be processed (milled/prospected), crafted and then the crafts would be sold - maybe a few mats here and there in the auction house, but never a large amount. That is what I would use the bot for, for free materials to craft with. Leveling the toons would be so that they can gather higher level items.

We would only run the bot maybe 6 hours a day - 3 hours, 1 hour or so break, 3 more hours. Maybe one of them for leveling a toon (only on the new account), one for collecting mats. My plan is to run 10 to 12 three hour sessions a week (2 a day, 5-6 days a week), with either 12 different target items (different herbs/ores or at least a different area), or 6 different areas with each one being visited twice that week - obviously for only 3 hours at a time. This would be to keep a very low profile.

Sooo... 1) As long as I monitor the behavior at first and the bot is running the routine without hitches, can Bliz actually detect that the software is running? 2) I noticed in the vid that the bots run a very precise path - shortest route, even to the point of running over a small gap that if they were just a little off, they would fall. Is there some 'human factor' so that if Blizzard did look into the behavior, that they were not running the same exact path while they gather? 3) The same question would go towards the reaction time of the bot. Obvviously, it is capable of reacting to situations faster than a human can, but that would give something for them to watch for - does the bot automatically delay for a small amount of 'human reaction time' upon landing, before mining or gathering the herb and then again afterwards before activating the bird? To me, faster than human reaction times (or always the same reaction time) would be one of the biggest giveaways, having it on a .25 to .75 sec variable delay would be something that I'd hope is part of the system.

Ok... and then, worst comes to worst and they detect and ban the bot account. For the ones that have been caught on here previously, do the accounts that are being used in the same house, one on the same computer - (at different times), using the same guild bank, using the mats to craft and sell largely at risk of also being banned?

Sorry for this being such a long post,but I play the game to have fun and really wouldn't want our existing accounts banned.
The others should be unaffected. Unless you're out selling gold then they generally don't care what you do w/ botted goods after they ban the bot

Now, ban chances... I have 3 personal accounts that are going all day long while I develop stuff. 1 I'm usually developing on, another is pvp'ing or testing, and the 3rd is farming herbs or fish (fish for guild cauldrons)

The biggest mistake that people make is that they are 100% afk 90% of the time the bot is online, combined with massive hours of non stop farming (16-20+ a day)
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As for "looking human": The lag between your client and the server is generally more then the daily for "being human". So no, there is no such built-in delay (except for very extensive custom classes; the PC still needs to follow the entire program path to the action) but no such delay is necessary either.

If one gets caught botting, there really is no telling what will happen to the rest of the accounts.
I've seen one WoW account on a battle.net account get banned whilst the rest is untouched. I've also seen every account that had the same name be banned in one fel swoop.
Generally they don't look at IP addresses or home addresses at all though. There needs to be more of a link between accounts before they action them together then just an address.

Having said that; I personally have only had 2 temp-bans in my entire WoW period (that is: since WoW started) and I've been using Glider and HonorBuddy for as long as they have existed. As Kick says; if you play it smart you will not get banned.
Blizz definitely lookd to the ip adress since a friend of mine tried to run 22 toons of mine at once on a i3 cpu case ,8 gig ram (I have explicitly warned him not to do such thing because of huge performance drop) and all of them got banned at once !

The point is that other toons from same ip adress-range are also got banned , and we fired questions from 22 accounts to learn whats going on they clearly stated 2 things (more than 10 different GM)

1) You are behind a hacker proxy
2) You are using bot on these accounts

Theory of getting banned what I read and experienced from :
Blizz did not design the game and games profit considering such hacks , scams and so called botting (any automated approach)

Thus every log they are keeping , and every query they are running cost them money so I would do it such a way If I were a blizz employee as a strategist:
1) I would run a general query once a week to catch people from server side information (such as IP adresses login times etc)
2) I would have different queries graded according to efficiency(cost) and run them on a toon if someone complaints
3) I would run higher efficiency more costly queries if the issue gets complicated (GM investigations)
4) I would also run higher cost general server side queries if economy and population data signals or make no sense

There you go , I based my strategy according to this so far so good ! It seems working (16 Hours a day %94 AFK )
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Someone please point me out if i'm being a complete moron... But this guy had 477 posts on this forum and has never considered botting?

Seems a little off...
Someone please point me out if i'm being a complete moron... But this guy had 477 posts on this forum and has never considered botting?

Seems a little off...
the fact he keeps saying "our" its probably his friend using his account, so while weird, i wouldnt worry too much about it.
Someone please point me out if i'm being a complete moron... But this guy had 477 posts on this forum and has never considered botting?

Seems a little off...

Look at the date of his original post. Since then he has purchased and has been happily botting.
I know this because he is a good forum friend of mine.
Thank you for at least trying to understand before posting.

Btw your friend running 22 accts did something wrong because Bossland had, I think, 34 accts running on one PC and it was beautiful.

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