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[SOLVED] User movement with Combat Log not working!

Apr 8, 2016
I'm really sick of this; I've tried every setting that looks remotely relevant, and I just can't move the stupid bot that keeps “standing in fire”, whatever fire is, when I use Combat Log, or use Dungeonbuddy or any other base for that matter.

I've tried:

Class Config -> Hotkeys -> Key - Movement: some key which I press during combat
Class Config -> Hotkeys -> Allow User Movement: True
Class Config -> Hotkeys -> Suspend Duration: 1000
Class Config -> Hotkeys -> Suspend Keys: all keys I use for movement, which are not WASD, because I don't use the QWERTY layout.

Class Config -> General -> Movement -> Allow Movement: All

NOT working. None of it is working. I can move only out-of-combat. But as soon as I start combat, the character is stuck to its place like a tree. And the bot also automatically dismounts when a mob chases my character and starts combat on its own; I find that irritating, because I don't want to start combat when mounted as long as I don't get dazed/dismounted by attacks. But anyway, the more important part is that I can move when using Combat Bot, and I just can't; and I can't describe how frustrating and irritating it is to find movement keys constantly unresponsive....it's as if I'm perma-rooted.

Please tell me how I can enable movement during combat when using Combat Log and Dungeonbuddy.
you should disable movement under CR settings if you wanna control movement when Hb does combat shizzle for you

i guess thats your goal?
I found the cause of the problem, at least the reason why Class Config -> Hotkeys -> Key - Movement's shortcut was not working: the shortcut cannot be used in the game's keybindings for something else. So thankfully, I can move now when I toggle that shortcut.

But for future reference, how do I disable movement under CR settings?
the CR should have a settings about it,under CR config panel
Wow, I've been using Honorbuddy for weeks now, and I have no idea where this “CR Config Panel” is, Tony! Where is it?
I only know about the main HB window, where I can pick the bot case from the drop down menu at the top right, from ArchaeologyBuddy all the way to Raid Bot, then Load Profile button, below, Settings and Tools, and so on, all the way to Developer Tools button at the bottom right.

Could you mean the Class Config button? Class Config -> General -> Movement -> Allow Movement: None?

Is that it or what?
Wow, I've been using Honorbuddy for weeks now, and I have no idea where this “CR Config Panel” is, Tony! Where is it?
I only know about the main HB window, where I can pick the bot case from the drop down menu at the top right, from ArchaeologyBuddy all the way to Raid Bot, then Load Profile button, below, Settings and Tools, and so on, all the way to Developer Tools button at the bottom right.

Could you mean the Class Config button? Class Config -> General -> Movement -> Allow Movement: None?

Is that it or what?
It sounds like you're using Singular. What you listed is where you enable and disable manual movement. If you look at the bottom of the config window it will tell you what each setting does. Hope that helps.
It sounds like you're using Singular. What you listed is where you enable and disable manual movement. If you look at the bottom of the config window it will tell you what each setting does. Hope that helps.

Yeah, haven't bought any combat routines, yet, so using the default Singular. And yes, I realize there are notes at the bottom about what each settings does; a few of them are still obscure to me, in spite of the note, but just a few. Then again, I don't know where the CR settings or config panel are for Singular.
Yeah, haven't bought any combat routines, yet, so using the default Singular. And yes, I realize there are notes at the bottom about what each settings does; a few of them are still obscure to me, in spite of the note, but just a few. Then again, I don't know where the CR settings or config panel are for Singular.
I'm trying to do all this from memory, so bear with me. When you have HB open, there should be a button that says "Class Config" or something similar to that. When you click that button, it will open the config for Singular. You've been quoting settings from the Singular config in your posts, so I'm thinking that you either copied them from somewhere else on the forum, or you didn't realize you had the config open for Singular?
I'm trying to do all this from memory, so bear with me. When you have HB open, there should be a button that says "Class Config" or something similar to that. When you click that button, it will open the config for Singular. You've been quoting settings from the Singular config in your posts, so I'm thinking that you either copied them from somewhere else on the forum, or you didn't realize you had the config open for Singular?

Yes, I didn't realize that Class Config = CR config panel! I just didn't assume that class and combat routine are used interchangeably in this context.

And with this understanding, I tested Class Config -> General -> Movement -> Allow Movement: None, and it did indeed allow me to move the character in-combat while botting, so I think that's it. The explanation of all the different fields is truncated, though, because there isn't enough space for the explanation area for all of them. It starts with explaining the Allow Movement part by saying “Controls movement allowed within the CC. None: prevent all movement; ClassSpecificOnly: only Charge/Heroic Throw/Blink/Dise...”, and the rest is cut off. So the choices of All and Auto are not explained. And Singular's thread does not contain these explanations. Moreover, the explanations mentioned don't give the full picture; for example, “None: prevent all movement”, what does this actually mean? That the bot will stand still in-combat? Never even move towards a spell caster, if bot is melee, to attack it? There's no mention in that explanation that I can use that settings to move the bot myself in-combat. It can be concluded by experienced users perhaps, but maybe a clearer and more helpful explanation would be better for everyone, within a scrollable area to accommodate longer explanations and numerous choices for the drop-down menus.
Yes, I didn't realize that Class Config = CR config panel! I just didn't assume that class and combat routine are used interchangeably in this context.

And with this understanding, I tested Class Config -> General -> Movement -> Allow Movement: None, and it did indeed allow me to move the character in-combat while botting, so I think that's it. The explanation of all the different fields is truncated, though, because there isn't enough space for the explanation area for all of them. It starts with explaining the Allow Movement part by saying “Controls movement allowed within the CC. None: prevent all movement; ClassSpecificOnly: only Charge/Heroic Throw/Blink/Dise...”, and the rest is cut off. So the choices of All and Auto are not explained. And Singular's thread does not contain these explanations. Moreover, the explanations mentioned don't give the full picture; for example, “None: prevent all movement”, what does this actually mean? That the bot will stand still in-combat? Never even move towards a spell caster, if bot is melee, to attack it? There's no mention in that explanation that I can use that settings to move the bot myself in-combat. It can be concluded by experienced users perhaps, but maybe a clearer and more helpful explanation would be better for everyone, within a scrollable area to accommodate longer explanations and numerous choices for the drop-down menus.
If you hover your pointer over the description of the option, it will expand it. It doesn't stay very long, probably a few seconds, so you may have to do this a few times to get the whole explanation. I've come to get used to doing this with Singular. Bobby53 hasn't updated Singular in a while that I know of, or at least his Singular post hasn't been posted in (by him) in a while. Just hover your mouse over the description of the option and it will appear in a sort of floating bubble, but like I said, it's only for a few seconds.

As for your questions, the best option to use is Auto. Auto will allow you to move freely, manually, but will take over if you decide to stop using manual movement. I think none means that the bot will not move at all. The class specific one means that the bot will control all movement except for class things like charge, which you will control. Again, I'm trying to pull all this from memory since I haven't been able to use the bot since December 15th when I got suspended, so the Singular options are pretty fuzzy to me.