Stuttering/Lag (ANY botbase))
I am experiencing lag when the bot is running. It comes and goes. I have disabled anything in my windows regarding antivirus, firewall and such. I do have UAC disabled, but I run honorbuddy as admin. (right click). I use a clean fresh honorbuddy, deleted cache and comipled assemblies. Also cleared wow cache, and mfil, disabled all addons and reset to default options. Nothing is helping. I did not have any lag before the update after last tripwire event. I have even disabled any plugin not on sale and all im using is drinkpotions, alwayshere, anti drown and logmeout. I also tried to run the bot with only refreshment detection thats eabled by default, still stutters. Please help me.
EDIT: Return of the lag
. Lagging with Singular again. I added you to Skype Tony. Awaiting your assistance and miracles, lol. 
I am experiencing lag when the bot is running. It comes and goes. I have disabled anything in my windows regarding antivirus, firewall and such. I do have UAC disabled, but I run honorbuddy as admin. (right click). I use a clean fresh honorbuddy, deleted cache and comipled assemblies. Also cleared wow cache, and mfil, disabled all addons and reset to default options. Nothing is helping. I did not have any lag before the update after last tripwire event. I have even disabled any plugin not on sale and all im using is drinkpotions, alwayshere, anti drown and logmeout. I also tried to run the bot with only refreshment detection thats eabled by default, still stutters. Please help me.

EDIT: Return of the lag

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