ive got some issues here with my HB. everytime i start the game and open HB i get this message :
"We couldn't find a free wow process to attach. Please make certain your toon is standing in game world and you are running latest version of HonorBuddy"
i am standing in game so i dont understand why this is happening.
I use honorbuddy launcher to start the game and the game It's in release x86
i have also re-downloaded the client several times from the site.
I do however sometimes when i open the launcher get and "update is ready" message, but when i click that, the whole program crashes. So i went on the site straight after and re-downloaded the program,
"Update": Client crash when updating. Error message linked bellow.
Here is the log and error message picture:
ive got some issues here with my HB. everytime i start the game and open HB i get this message :
"We couldn't find a free wow process to attach. Please make certain your toon is standing in game world and you are running latest version of HonorBuddy"
i am standing in game so i dont understand why this is happening.
I use honorbuddy launcher to start the game and the game It's in release x86
i have also re-downloaded the client several times from the site.
I do however sometimes when i open the launcher get and "update is ready" message, but when i click that, the whole program crashes. So i went on the site straight after and re-downloaded the program,
"Update": Client crash when updating. Error message linked bellow.
Here is the log and error message picture:
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