Hi, I am having extreme drops in FPS when honorbuddy is running.
Honorbuddy is detecting desktop composition as OFF, but it is on.
Using default plugins and combat routines.
Using the Buddy Team 1-100 leveling profile from the store.
It seems to only lag when searching for mobs to kill, but once it is in combat it goes back to 100+ fps
I noticed that the FPS drop only happens when the toon is not mounted and moving to a hotspot.
When mounted or in combat, it is running at 100+fps
One week before everything was ok but today it start to lag.
I'm using dx9 and set wow settings to lowest.
View attachment 5196 2016-06-27 08.45.txt
View attachment 5208 2016-06-27 08.45.txt
Honorbuddy is detecting desktop composition as OFF, but it is on.
Using default plugins and combat routines.
Using the Buddy Team 1-100 leveling profile from the store.
It seems to only lag when searching for mobs to kill, but once it is in combat it goes back to 100+ fps
I noticed that the FPS drop only happens when the toon is not mounted and moving to a hotspot.
When mounted or in combat, it is running at 100+fps
One week before everything was ok but today it start to lag.
I'm using dx9 and set wow settings to lowest.
View attachment 5196 2016-06-27 08.45.txt
View attachment 5208 2016-06-27 08.45.txt