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So, with the development of my AH bot, I just dung my first 50kG ever.


New Member
Dec 20, 2011
Just dung 50kG worth of gold. Since pre-3 days ago (when I stared coding), I normally had about 6k gold and 5k in items. Now 50k gold and about 40k in items.

What about you guys? How much in items and how much in gold?
Also interested in knowing this.
And I assume you're Automatic from HF?

Yes, and since you're registered there you already know.

@Punisher775, errr... well, you see, I, well, you know... well, its kinda like this... RUN!
I actually have a request to personally purchase something like this or to have it made for me. Inegro has replied with more details but that is all.

If you are interested look up my post in the Plugins requests.

(Ive seen you on HF as well getting flamed like crazy) Lawl.
lol ok so. kid is bragging about a bot that made him 50k gold. wont share it. and asking us how much we managed to get.

i smell someone trying to make his Epeen grow. just like that bot monitor thing you refused to share.

If your sole purpuse is to brag about how good a coder you are i suggest you GTFO. Pride and greed are 2 really bad personality traits. if you really want to be useful, share that thing your making so the comunity can benefit from it. if you dont want to do that. why brag about the development and how much you are making with it?

"hey guys i made 50k gold with this AH bot i am developing, HOW MUCH DID YOU NOOBS GET TROLOLOL"

"thats intresting care to share the bot with us?"
"lol uh well... you see, im a dumbass that likes to brag about things that probably dont exist"

you develop things that people could use, you brag about it and then you say you wont share it. whats the point of that other than bragging and trying to feel better about yourself.
lol ok so. kid is bragging about a bot that made him 50k gold. wont share it. and asking us how much we managed to get.

i smell someone trying to make his Epeen grow. just like that bot monitor thing you refused to share.

If your sole purpuse is to brag about how good a coder you are i suggest you GTFO. Pride and greed are 2 really bad personality traits. if you really want to be useful, share that thing your making so the comunity can benefit from it. if you dont want to do that. why brag about the development and how much you are making with it?

"hey guys i made 50k gold with this AH bot i am developing, HOW MUCH DID YOU NOOBS GET TROLOLOL"

"thats intresting care to share the bot with us?"
"lol uh well... you see, im a dumbass that likes to brag about things that probably dont exist"

you develop things that people could use, you brag about it and then you say you wont share it. whats the point of that other than bragging and trying to feel better about yourself.

I came back on here, once again, to complain about buddyauth not working.

Let me attempt to answer all of your questions/complaints. Stuff in brackets is what I'm saying, what you're saying is just text.

lol ok so. (Random fullstop, but, whatever) kid is bragging about a bot that made him 50k gold (Eh, more or less. Now it's more in the 90k zone). wont share it (Once again, more random periods. Oh, and, I'm not sharing it because I started development 4ish days ago. It's far from release). and asking us how much we managed to get (Exactly, I see no issue with this? What, you think I'm randomly going to change my AH bot into a skinning bot... with the title "AH" bot?).

i smell someone trying to make his Epeen grow (Eh, if I wanted that I'd just give out free gold from my AH bot). just like that bot monitor thing you refused to share (Read above).

If your sole purpuse is to brag about how good a coder you are i suggest you GTFO (Far from it. I seriously care about how you make money. I ONLY included how I mad my money... because... well.. it's the subject of the thread >.>). Pride and greed are 2 really bad personality traits (Well, I do have them both, but, that's not what this thread is about). if you really want to be useful, share that thing your making so the comunity can benefit from it (I will... once it's complete...). if you dont want to do that. why brag about the development and how much you are making with it (Well... once again, I wasn't, I just wanted a base value to compare my bot VS other shit so I can include it in a thread on a different forum)?

"hey guys i made 50k gold with this AH bot i am developing, HOW MUCH DID YOU NOOBS GET TROLOLOL" (No, no, no, that's not how you make a fake post! First, well, first you need money. Lots of it, and a brand new character! Okay, now you have that, now you post a photo of that character with barely any money:


Done that? Okay, now wait about 17-24 hours, and post again with a new image, but this time, mail your character a fuck ton of cash:

Done that? Great, now all you have to do is make a list of fake things to do, as such:
Scanning of auctions VIA battle.net and saving them
Scanning of characters through already saved data

To do:
Scan characters automatically and save the data
Scanning of auctions VIA addons
History pricing
Event prices
Listing of items*
Buying of items*
Multiple character support (for like, miner --> jewelcrafter --> enchanter --> banker --> AH)
Mining (Not sure if I'll do)
Herblism (Not sure if I'll do)
Skinning (Not sure if I'll do)
Mail support (Will probably need postal)
Item destroying support
Vendering support
Mount support (Not sure if I'll add, considering it's meant to be tradeskills. AH to mailbox isn't a long walk, longest walk would be mailbox to vender to buy stuff like jeweler's settings.)
Personal bank (Not sure if I'll include, up to you. Think I should include it?)
Guild bank (Not sure if I'll include, up to you. Think I should include it?)

*Extreme WTF ALPHA.

And a note or two:
Few notes:
Will require at-least 20*4 bags, due to t he fact that bags fill up fast.

and then post it on a forum that doesn't have developers who know how to code:

And you'll have loads of suckers believing you... oh, f*ck wait!)

"thats intresting care to share the bot with us?" (Uh, well, no one asked me that. You asked for details, not the bot.)
"lol uh well... you see, im a dumbass that likes to brag about things that probably dont exist" (lol, uh, well.... you see I'm still coding it considering AH bots don't take 40 minutes to make)

you develop things that people could use, you brag about it and then you say you wont share it. whats the point of that other than bragging and trying to feel better about yourself. (But... I will share it. /cry)

(End of it all:

You guys are mean :@)
cool story bro,

to sum it up, you are not done coding it and are planning to release it? that's great now i'm wondering why you didnt say so before?

im not mean, it's just the second time you refuse to share something that could benefit the comunity and make a thread about the program, but now that you have given us some information other than "i made 50k with my AH bot"

and if you really wanna know. i made a fresh level 80 with SoR and i have 50k gold earned with 8 days /played i average at 2333g per day according to my WoW stat page, and thats with 2 days of honor farming to get full ruthless for ret and holy. a total of 43k earned from auctions and i sell my herbs to a private buyer, hope this info makes you feel better that you get more gold than me in a certain time frame.

(Funny story. i looted 6 gold, earned 150 from quests, and got 43k from auctions)
cool story bro,

to sum it up, you are not done coding it and are planning to release it? that's great now i'm wondering why you didnt say so before?

im not mean, it's just the second time you refuse to share something that could benefit the comunity and make a thread about the program, but now that you have given us some information other than "i made 50k with my AH bot"

and if you really wanna know. i made a fresh level 80 with SoR and i have 50k gold earned with 8 days /played i average at 2333g per day according to my WoW stat page, and thats with 2 days of honor farming to get full ruthless for ret and holy. a total of 43k earned from auctions and i sell my herbs to a private buyer, hope this info makes you feel better that you get more gold than me in a certain time frame.

(Funny story. i looted 6 gold, earned 150 from quests, and got 43k from auctions)

No, now you're miss understanding. To sum it all up, I'm coding it, and I'm releasing it on the forum I posted before when done with limited people allowed (Due to the fact some people are mean). Before your post it was going to be open with a limit of about 50 people using it at a time. Now it's pretty much everyone... but you with a limit of a 50 people at a time.

@Staff, posting on a different forum to not break your "No disallowing certain people from using it" rule.

Once again, no. I'm not serious, unlike how you want to form me in your mind, I'm not some mass-evil-mastermind and I don't hold grudges.
just out of curiosity, could you point out to me how i was mean to you, because from where im standing, i was simply stating what seemed obvious based on what you said in the thread.

i am just so eager to see what you come up with in your next post.

i like you, you entertain me, you see, i enjoy trolls because i think you guys always find clever ways to try to get to people :)
someone lock this? it is nothing but a flame war between beauty and the beast.

gosh, you made gold, cool story bro, i make 100 k a weekend playing manual on 1 char, you want to add something?

be a developer and talk about it when you release it, not brag about it...
someone lock this? it is nothing but a flame war between beauty and the beast.

gosh, you made gold, cool story bro, i make 100 k a weekend playing manual on 1 char, you want to add something?

be a developer and talk about it when you release it, not brag about it...

Yes I do would... Can you reply to Op and explain how? Thxu
Very nice AH Bot hope you release it in the future, well good luck on your coding.
I also think i have talked to you 1 or 2 times on HF.
Cool man. Release it so you fuck over all the china gold farmers, and anyone else who sells gold.