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So, we still don't think anything is up, eh...... 2 MORE down....


Community Developer
Jul 18, 2011
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?
2)If so, when was the last time?:
3)What profile were you using?:
Self created on one, Bengans Multi Zone GB2 prof on the other one
4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:
Superbad, TuanHAPaladinm, Singular
5)What plugins are you using?:
AD, AE2, CA, DP, Log Me Out, NoMoveDetector, ShutUpAIML (I was NOT whispered first), TakeControl, TeleportDetector, UPVP(Paid Version)
6)How many hours per day did you bot for?:
6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?
7)How many auctions per day did you have?:
8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?
9)Was your account involved in gold selling?
10)EU or US realm?
11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
Paid Account

K, so, at what point do the devs begin further investigation as to what is going on? I mean the rate of bans has risen dramatically in the past few months, and are certainly becoming a rate worthy of some more attention, vs just saying sorry about yer bad luck, and blindly charging forward. I have been botting for 6 years now, banned a couple times here and there, and am pretty good at self-diagnosing my problem. This one has me kinda stumped as to how they are detecting the bot. And they ARE detecting it, period. Be it scanning outside of memory, or something else, possibly the WOW.lua error i get from time to time, directly related to the bot.

I was running a randomized rotation using ARelog. Never live for more than 3 hours at a time, and used both accounts for daily activities, one raids regularly, does dailies, shit like that,....

So, we can't use Honorbuddy. Check.
Now we can't use Gatherbuddy. Check.
Next it will be guys getting banned using LazyRaider in their 25 mans lol

In an effort to assist the devs, both of my accounts DID have foragers gloves, but only one was a druid, so the NPH would be fast on one, but not so much on the other, so that doesn't really help much...

If you guys have any more questions, feel free to fire away! I am still researching myself to see if I can pick out any thing funky on them, but i see nothing in my log that would indicate a teleport or anything of that nature. No whispers first either. =( Makes the anti-detection addons kinda a moot point....
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I also believe that they are detecting something. Majority of people banned seem to be linked to GB2, I got banned myself using GB2. I also would like HB devs to chime in on this matter and act a little more professional to the number of bans just in the last 1-2 weeks.
I have been botting for 6 years now, banned a couple times here and there, and am pretty good at self-diagnosing my problem. This one has me kinda stumped as to how they are detecting the bot. And they ARE detecting it, period. Be it scanning outside of memory, or something else, possibly the WOW.lua error i get from time to time, directly related to the bot.

I've bolded why you've gotten banned.
I've bolded why you've gotten banned.

Let me expand on that for you, so you are no longer confused.

I have been botting for 6 years now, across multiple games, with several different bots, all the way back to the days of Wow Glider (before it was renamed to MMOGlider), I have endured countless banwaves, and will continue to bot just the same. The pc I am now using has a different MAC id, and my IP changes several times a day. In essence, this is a completely 'clean rig' that I was banned from.

That being said, I fail to see "why" I was banned, in relation to your comment.
Let me expand on that for you, so you are no longer confused.

I have been botting for 6 years now, across multiple games, with several different bots, all the way back to the days of Wow Glider (before it was renamed to MMOGlider), I have endured countless banwaves, and will continue to bot just the same. The pc I am now using has a different MAC id, and my IP changes several times a day. In essence, this is a completely 'clean rig' that I was banned from.

That being said, I fail to see "why" I was banned, in relation to your comment.

Maybe you have some sort of learning disability, I'm sorry.

The botting game has changed, its not just a small group of people anymore there are hundreds of thousands of people botting across servers and they are all afraid they are going to get banned, so what do they do? Report other botters running the same paths as them, it makes them look more legit and takes out competition in one move. Blizzard also has changed their policy, in Vanilla and BC it was massive anti botting (I still remember the ban waves) in WotLK and Cata they backed off and started to focus on the chinese account hacking, now they are switching back to botting tracking NPH (Nodes per hour for the less fortunate (OP)) and heavily relying on player reports (other botters reporting botters who can give exact details on what these botters are doing)
I think you are misinterpreting what I am trying to achieve here, I'm not trying to start some e-peen war with you, I'm simply trying to sort out how they are getting us. The fact is, they are becoming more active in policing us since the patch hit and got smoothed out. If I came off as a agressive responder, It was not my intention. Sometimes humor and sarcasm come off poorly in text lol

Good theory, except the one of the two that I lost recently was running a personal profile. I dunno, like you said, its not like it used to be, agreed.

Thanks for spelling it out for me, reread this for me quick:
In an effort to assist the devs, both of my accounts DID have foragers gloves, but only one was a druid, so the NPH would be fast on one, but not so much on the other, so that doesn't really help much...

Maybe I'll try a different approach on one of my other accounts, and see what happens if for example I only actively farm for 45 mins at a time, then pause for an hour and do other shit, then go back to farming. That would certainly be a pretty good test case on the NPH debate. Any other ideas on how to further test it to try to find out what the triggers are they are keyin off of?

Maybe its a nodes per day sort of thing, knowing full well most people will not farm X number of herbs in any 24 hour period. It's not like they don't have all the database and statistical information at their disposal.

100k views is IMO FAR more than active botters. I could be wrong, but I would be shocked to find out this bot has over 100k subs lol And if that were accurate, then yeah, there's the problem. Once a bot gets "too big" it spells out its demise.... drawing too much attention to yourself usually causes trouble.

Looking at the chart you also posted, I was the sole person in the 4-6 hour slot lol >.<
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I do know that all the botter accounts that get those gloves are banned within a few days, from the different ban posts I've read. Idk, on my farm account I'm not going to upgrade my flying. Keep it at 150% to keep my nph down.

And custom profiles don't really mean too much, you still go around the same areas as the public profiles (unless you mapped out something completely out of the way which would be improbable) Its not too hard to spot a bot, CTM looks very real but is noticeable by someone who bots.