Alternatively you can vendor the ore you gather. I vendor thousands per day.
There are so many liars in this thread. 30g/stack for Saronite? Take your bullshit elsewhere.
@ OP - if Saronite really is going for 20g/stack on your server then you're an idiot for prospecting it. If you aren't attempting the Saronite Shuffle you should be vendoring bars or auctioning ore.
or if saronite is fubar on your server get an alchy friend to make u some titanium bars, what i ahd to do
There are so many liars in this thread. 30g/stack for Saronite? Take your bullshit elsewhere.
@ OP - if Saronite really is going for 20g/stack on your server then you're an idiot for prospecting it. If you aren't attempting the Saronite Shuffle you should be vendoring bars or auctioning ore.
30days mute
keeep it in that way and next step is to perma ban all your (3 and already muted) accounts
30 days mute ? what for ?30days mute
keeep it in that way and next step is to perma ban all your (3 and already muted) accounts
ya i find 30 days way too long, lets start a petition !
A kid called me bitch a couple days ago. Tony didn't even warn him. But he gives a 30 days mute to a guy that says a generic idiotya i find 30 days way too long, lets start a petition !