It was a German Supreme Court ruling that gave Blizzard the win over the company resulting in $8,740,235.41 in statutory damages and legal fees. Bossland has been ordered by the court to cease sale and distribution of everything relating to its video game cheats in the US. I do not know how this will play out with the rest of everyone around the world beings it was the German Supreme Court, from what i read, but this is the latest news as of the court order on March 31 2017. Honestly, it is only a matter of time before this causes them to be shut down. I mean, people are blatantly violating a company's ToS by paying a company to run a program to do all the work because a person is too lazy to log on and do the work themselves. My first account with Blizzard was banned because I bought gold from a third party gold farmer, it violated Blizzard's ToS policy, how is this any different. I learned my lesson and I don't violate the ToS anymore. Don't complain when you are banned for not following policy