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So I finally got my 72 hour ban... after god knows how long of doing this. That's it.


New Member
Jul 20, 2014
BattleTag: ************

Action: 72 Hour Suspension
Violation: Unapproved Third Party Software

Blizzard will take action against any players using third party programs, which operate outside the World of Warcraft software, to gain an advantage in the game. This software may include increasing movement or teleportation hacks, automating gameplay, or other changes that subvert the mechanics or design of the game. This can also include programs that obtain information not normally available to the regular player, or that transmit or modify any of the game files.

I've been botting for too long.. On my main account too. I couldn't give a rats ass if I get banned as I mostly play Diablo 3 (sometimes botting) and Starcraft 2 (obviously without bots) and don't give a shit about WoW really.
I've also sold my whole Bnet account close to 15 fucking times on Ebay and made thousands from it, mostly due to WoW. I can't do that anymore after Paypal changed their policy on November 8th.

But still I figured I'd bot my Pally up to level 90 (from 1) considering I had nothing else better to do and it is literally the last class I don't have a 90 on.

1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? Honorbuddy

2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?: Current version

3)If so, when was the last time?: When the ban occurred, about 15 minutes ago.

4)What profile were you using?: Dungeonbuddy at the time, but I used Questing bot to level 59. Dungeonbuddy to 77 because it was too fucking slow.

5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Default (Singular) Pally

6)What plugins are you using?: Anti Drown, + the usual default shit

7)How many hours per day did you bot for?: It depends. Sometimes like 14-20, sometimes like 7. I had a 5 day break though after doing a solid 20 hours. However I'd only been botting for 3 days before getting this ban after a HUGE 4 month break (before Patch 6.0)

8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? 75%. I noticed almost immediately that I was logged out and temp-banned.

9)How many auctions per day did you have?: Zero

10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? Arelog.

11)Was your account involved in gold selling? Nope

12)EU or US realm? E.U.

13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? Paid, even got Draenor Collectors Pre-Order.


Anyway, well 72 hours is fuck all. I'll be 19,500 kilometres away anyway on the other side of the planet having a holiday for 2½ months.
I wanted to get my Pally to 90 before I left on Friday for a trip around the world.

This is just an early break for me and I'll go back to playing Starcraft 2.

Quick question though:

** Should I send some ticket, and act all like "Wtf I was banned for what exactly?" or just ignore it?

Also I think I'll stop botting now. It was fun whilst it lasted and I've made like 900k on my main, got my Alani mount, Jewelled Onyx Panther, Teebu's Flaming Longsword, Sandstone Drake, 600 of every profession multiple times and god knows what else you can think of. I've botted it, and done it for like a year straight, Oh and 1 of every class to level 90, except Pally to just 77 before this.

My advice to others, be careful. Have fun. They seem to be r@eping people just before WoD hits.

Thanks to Bossland for all the awesome shit I got in WoW and D3 for a measly $25 or whatever. You guys rule!
Plus my personal thanks and a little 'fuck you' to all the liars, trolls and bullshit artists on the forums here!
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so correct me if im wrong u said u sold ur bnet account 15 times? so meaning u scammed 15 people out of there money and asked blizzard for your account back?

glad u got banned scum like u deserve it thats fucked up to do that someone pays for u account they should keep it not get scammed by losers like yourself.

Good thing paypal caught onto it and put a stop to it

Hope they also come and take all your money back fucking loser
I loathe scammers, they are the absolute worst. Very glad to hear that you got banned :)
This is a botting forum - are you seriously that retarded to openly say you're scamming people ? I'm suprised you actually found people more stupid then yourself.
I kinda find it funny that people are getting mad about this. Yes, it's wrong to scam to a lot of us because we wouldn't want it happen to us, but to try to condemn someone for cheating life when we're cheating a game by botting, it honestly makes no sense to me.
I kinda find it funny that people are getting mad about this. Yes, it's wrong to scam to a lot of us because we wouldn't want it happen to us, but to try to condemn someone for cheating life when we're cheating a game by botting, it honestly makes no sense to me.

then your priorities and concept of what is life is seriously fucked up.
I kinda find it funny that people are getting mad about this. Yes, it's wrong to scam to a lot of us because we wouldn't want it happen to us, but to try to condemn someone for cheating life when we're cheating a game by botting, it honestly makes no sense to me.

then your priorities and concept of what is life is seriously fucked up.

Definitely this.

Do you even recognize what cheating is?

Cheating is the getting of reward for ability by dishonest means or finding an easy way out of an unpleasant situation.

If every automation was used as cheating, then the most cheating people in this world would be BOSSES. Workers are the best roBOTS for them to automate their work when they are "AFJ".
(Away from Job)

To the OP, you are a piece of bullshit not only for scamming people but also naming it such a normal thing here.

Kind Regards.
when ur cheating the only one who pays for it when u loose is urself, scamming people is just retarded. Ur a person with a crappy job, if a job at all, crappy life and a crappy GF wich i doubt u even have. Glad to see u get banned. People feeding on other peoples misery because ur in so much pain urself is just as low as u can get. Get a grip of urself, and do something about urself and ur life. Stop being retarded!!!
when ur cheating the only one who pays for it when u loose is urself, scamming people is just retarded. Ur a person with a crappy job, if a job at all, crappy life and a crappy GF wich i doubt u even have. Glad to see u get banned. People feeding on other peoples misery because ur in so much pain urself is just as low as u can get. Get a grip of urself, and do something about urself and ur life. Stop being retarded!!!

How do you know he was cheating and not just making new Bnet accounts, leveling them, then selling them? If it was scamming though, I do agree with you.
How do you know he was cheating and not just making new Bnet accounts, leveling them, then selling them? If it was scamming though, I do agree with you.

Did you even read the OP?

I've also sold my whole Bnet account close to 15 fucking times on Ebay and made thousands from it, mostly due to WoW. I can't do that anymore after Paypal changed their policy on November 8th.

So yeah, OP is retarded and should be banned from these forums too.
'' I've also sold my whole Bnet account close to 15 fucking times on Ebay and made thousands from it, mostly due to WoW. I can't do that anymore after Paypal changed their policy on November 8th. ''

That isn't true. If you buy on ebay, your purchase is 100% protected. If the seller rips you off, sells you junk, or claims it was "lost" and won't refund your money, Paypal will.

If any of this happens on a craigslist transaction or elsewhere, Paypal will try to get you your money back on a "best effort"... which means if the seller has emptied his account, you're SOL.

This guy just comes here to tell us hes a scum bag who needs to be removed from our community. cmom how is he not perma banned for that kind of admission SO basically hes saying because paypay dosent cover Failed ebay transactions since Nov 08 he cant do it anymore.
Have you guys thought that, perhaps, he made 15 accounts, rather than scamming people? Just to put my input it
Have you guys thought that, perhaps, he made 15 accounts, rather than scamming people? Just to put my input it

That is what I said, but everyone thinks that is not the case. But who knows really, the op never posted another response.
I've also sold my whole Bnet account close to 15 fucking times on Ebay and made thousands from it, mostly due to WoW.

Its not hard to see that he was scamming and not creating new.

Truly, its a garbage thing to do and we don't want people like you around here, its disgusting. Go find a rock and live under it.
when ur cheating the only one who pays for it when u loose is urself, scamming people is just retarded. Ur a person with a crappy job, if a job at all, crappy life and a crappy GF wich i doubt u even have. Glad to see u get banned. People feeding on other peoples misery because ur in so much pain urself is just as low as u can get. Get a grip of urself, and do something about urself and ur life. Stop being retarded!!!

Not only does your spelling make me want to barf dog feces... I find the cliche insults you're throwing at this dude hilarious. More than likely you're some young kid, who has no job, and no girlfriend, most likely a virgin, etc. Please refrain from saying so much stupid, in so few words, ever again. And I just read your name. Chainfarts. Does your mother know you used her credit card to buy honorbuddy?

Also, to OP: I find it hilarious that you boned that many people with one account and never got caught. More power to you, you got the -Cash Flow- perk Irl. LOL.
I'm in love with the CoCo.
Me too!
