Skinning for horde from 1-450 and a few other mis meshes. (nothing special on the extras just checking areas out) but skinning ones say skinning and have a map of start points. NO vendor they are in populated areas so i suggest running as second client while playing so can watch a bit. and when leveld, go to trainer and then next one. They are near horde areas (easy to get to for horde) so really for horde more then alliance. Ive run it through like 5 chars already, only real note is 280-300 takes forever so when like 290 go somewhere and level to 300. (need 300 before hitting 300 area) good luck have fun!!! (the sbasin thicket is great skinning place when 400+.. not labeled) (got lumped together cuz this is 3rd time tried to send attachment and didnt expect it to work. only need 1 file both are same but i dont know how to remove 1)