could you please let me know whats the issue? before it was working very well.
[20:16:01.130 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] 253
[20:16:01.032 N] [Singular] warning: facing disabled and not facing Enemy.Rogue.97F9 @ 3.3 yds
[20:16:01.105 N] [Singular] *Clawing Shadows on Enemy.Rogue.97F9 @ 46.6% at 3.3 yds
[20:16:01.146 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: Auth Session is invalid
[20:16:01.146 Q] Session with specified sid does not exist in Europe region.
[20:16:01.152 N] [BGFarmer] [HP: 100] Stopping BGFarmer!
[20:16:01.152 N] [BGFarmer] [HP: 100] This Sessions Totals - [Won: 0] [Lost: 0]
[20:16:01.292 Q] Shutting down in 20 seconds
[20:16:01.488 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Detaching Chat Handlers
[20:16:01.553 D] Capability state flags changed. Targeting: Disallowed -> DontCare. Reason: Enabled CR Targeting
[20:16:01.553 D] Clearing POI - Reason Bot stopping
[20:16:01.554 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
could you please let me know whats the issue? before it was working very well.
[20:16:01.130 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] 253
[20:16:01.032 N] [Singular] warning: facing disabled and not facing Enemy.Rogue.97F9 @ 3.3 yds
[20:16:01.105 N] [Singular] *Clawing Shadows on Enemy.Rogue.97F9 @ 46.6% at 3.3 yds
[20:16:01.146 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: Auth Session is invalid
[20:16:01.146 Q] Session with specified sid does not exist in Europe region.
[20:16:01.152 N] [BGFarmer] [HP: 100] Stopping BGFarmer!
[20:16:01.152 N] [BGFarmer] [HP: 100] This Sessions Totals - [Won: 0] [Lost: 0]
[20:16:01.292 Q] Shutting down in 20 seconds
[20:16:01.488 D] [BGFarmer ~ Debug] Detaching Chat Handlers
[20:16:01.553 D] Capability state flags changed. Targeting: Disallowed -> DontCare. Reason: Enabled CR Targeting
[20:16:01.553 D] Clearing POI - Reason Bot stopping
[20:16:01.554 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped