Disclaimer: If you have a short fuse for noobs leave now.
I was reading the Profession Buddy forum, and I can't seem to figure out why my bot isn't working for me. I will attach the log at the end here, but it is switching to an "empty profile" every time I hit start; not sure why.
Let me know if you need any other info; thanks.
Attached to WoW with ID 4524
Honorbuddy v2.0.0.5740 started!
Character is a level 85 Troll Druid
Current zone is Dalaran
LastUsedPath: C:\Users\Jeffrey\Downloads\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5740\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\Profiles\Mining (1-340)(Dalaran).xml
Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
Building spell book
Adding: Feral Charge
Adding: Mangle
Adding: Skull Bash
Adding: Stampeding Roar
Adding: Swipe
Spell book built
Initialization complete.
Honorbuddy is up-to-date
Chose Singular v2 $Revision: 568 $ as your combat class!
[Singular] Starting Singular v2.0.0.0
[Singular] Determining talent spec.
[Singular] Current spec is Feral Druid
[Singular] Building method list
[Singular] Added 337 methods
[Singular] Using CreateFeralNormalCombat for Feral Druid - Combat (Priority: 0)
[Singular] Using CreateFeralNormalPull for Feral Druid - Pull (Priority: 0)
[Singular] Using CreateBalanceAndFeralDruidRest for Feral Druid - Rest (Priority: 0)
[Singular] Using CreateDruidPreCombatBuff for Feral Druid - PreCombatBuffs (Priority: 0)
[Singular] Behaviors created!
PB 1.354: Adding TradeSkill Mining
PB 1.354: Done Loading Tradeskills.
PB 1.354: Loading profile Mining (1-340)(Dalaran).xml
PB 1.354: Checking for new version
PB 1.354: No updates found
Changing current profile to level 0 - 2147483647
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to level 0 - 2147483647
Changing current profile to Empty Profile
I was reading the Profession Buddy forum, and I can't seem to figure out why my bot isn't working for me. I will attach the log at the end here, but it is switching to an "empty profile" every time I hit start; not sure why.
Let me know if you need any other info; thanks.
Attached to WoW with ID 4524
Honorbuddy v2.0.0.5740 started!
Character is a level 85 Troll Druid
Current zone is Dalaran
LastUsedPath: C:\Users\Jeffrey\Downloads\Honorbuddy_2.0.0.5740\Bots\ProfessionBuddy\Profiles\Mining (1-340)(Dalaran).xml
Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
Building spell book
Adding: Feral Charge
Adding: Mangle
Adding: Skull Bash
Adding: Stampeding Roar
Adding: Swipe
Spell book built
Initialization complete.
Honorbuddy is up-to-date
Chose Singular v2 $Revision: 568 $ as your combat class!
[Singular] Starting Singular v2.0.0.0
[Singular] Determining talent spec.
[Singular] Current spec is Feral Druid
[Singular] Building method list
[Singular] Added 337 methods
[Singular] Using CreateFeralNormalCombat for Feral Druid - Combat (Priority: 0)
[Singular] Using CreateFeralNormalPull for Feral Druid - Pull (Priority: 0)
[Singular] Using CreateBalanceAndFeralDruidRest for Feral Druid - Rest (Priority: 0)
[Singular] Using CreateDruidPreCombatBuff for Feral Druid - PreCombatBuffs (Priority: 0)
[Singular] Behaviors created!
PB 1.354: Adding TradeSkill Mining
PB 1.354: Done Loading Tradeskills.
PB 1.354: Loading profile Mining (1-340)(Dalaran).xml
PB 1.354: Checking for new version
PB 1.354: No updates found
Changing current profile to level 0 - 2147483647
Starting the bot!
Changing current profile to level 0 - 2147483647
Changing current profile to Empty Profile