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I got banned for 72 hours today lol and it's my first time with this bot. I got banned in 2008 when using Mimic, but at least this time its not permanent like back then.
Start worrying when you see thousands of ban reports in a few days period.
It's kinda annoying when quite a few flagged accounts get banned and everyone screams banwave.
I have 5 accounts, been farming like a bastard on a medium realm that noone gives a shit on, about aslong as herbs are less then 100g a stack they are happy. Nothing has happened to me yet. Even if it does I really could not give a shit. I am already bored of this xpac. Its gated up tighter then fort knox. I do 50k dps in 465 gear, out dps full epic noobs and still get told Im to low gear to raid. Seems like all the good players left and all the retards are left over.