Blizzard vs Bossland (WOW) Hamburg - hearing on 4th December 2012
Blizzard vs Bossland (D3) Hamburg - writ of injunction was lost in July 2012, still waiting for the written opinion of the court, so we can move to the next higher one
But, we did not yet get any, and it can take up to five months. I was waiting, and hoping, it will be this week, it will be next week. It was not.
All we can do is wait for the court to write down its opinion and send it to us.
Bossland vs Blizzard (WOW) Munich - still waiting that Blizzard France gets the letter and probably answers at some point. Case started in March 2012.
Blizzard vs Bossland (D3) Hamburg - writ of injunction was lost in July 2012, still waiting for the written opinion of the court, so we can move to the next higher one
But, we did not yet get any, and it can take up to five months. I was waiting, and hoping, it will be this week, it will be next week. It was not.
All we can do is wait for the court to write down its opinion and send it to us.
Bossland vs Blizzard (WOW) Munich - still waiting that Blizzard France gets the letter and probably answers at some point. Case started in March 2012.