1. How to post a question, issue, or constructive criticism ....
Use the following steps when posting about ShamWOW. If info is missing, you will receive a standard reply requesting the missing information. I am usually on the forum once per day responding to member communications, so this results in a minimum one to two day delay in a meaningful reply to your post. My advice is to err on the side of always providing the log file even when you think it is not needed.
Steps for Posting an Issue, Criticism, or Question...
1. In this thread, click Reply
2. When the Quick Reply window is shown, click the Go Advanced button.
3. Copy and paste the following template into your post and fill in the blanks:
HonorBuddy Mode: Grind/PVP/Mixed/Quest/RaF
Shamans Location:
What should have happened (be specific):
What did happen (be specific):
Computer time of problem or log mark (not realm time):
4. Scroll down the page and click Manage Attachments
5. Attach the most recent file from your HonorBuddy LOGS folder
6. If the file is too large, you need to compress as .ZIP first then repeat Step 5
7. Click the Close this Window button in Manage Attachments
8. Click the Submit Reply button to post
There is also a guide named
How To: Attach your HB log file [CLICK HERE] you can use as a reference for this last step.
Do not copy & paste your log file. All logs should be attached as described.
Files must be attached to your post... I will not access links to external sites (no, not even pastebin, skydrive, or dropbox) for logs
2. Where do I find my Computers System Time or Log Mark?
The best solution is to use the
LogMark plugin [DOWNLOAD HERE] to add a mark to the log file (and log window.) With this plug-in you can press a couple keys in WOW and instantly add a unique mark to the log file. Later when writing your post, you can easily mention the issue occurred at "LOGMARK #1" for example. This is more accurate and much simpler than looking for the local system time when you notice a problem and need to recall it later when submitting a post
If you have to use a clock time, make sure it is the local system time on your computer and includes HH:MM:SS. Here are a few examples of clocks you can use to display the time with seconds:
a. (preferred) Open
this web page [CLICK HERE] and keep it visible.
b. (preferred) For Windows 7, download
Presto's Clock [CLICK HERE]
c. (preferred)
3. How do I post a non-question?
Well, depends on whether you would prefer my assistance or simply a polite non-response. Here's an
example of a polite non-response to a useless post [CLICK HERE]
4. My Log file is HUGE ( > 9 mb) can I just send the error message?
No, the error message alone is not enough. You should compress the file as a .ZIP. Text files should compress really well and enable you to attach over a 20mb log file once it has been compressed. You have to use the .ZIP format because the forums don't allow upload of other compressed file formats. If you have trouble creating a .ZIP and insist on sending me a portion of the log file, send me the 1st line through the point where the error occurred so that I can follow how it got to the point of the issue.
5. I've already read the ShamWOW FAQ. Read it again?
If you posted in this thread without a complete log file and the system time of the issue you were describing, then Yes. The FAQ will be added to and revised as necessary, so it will be beneficial to visit it periodically. Even if you don't feel you need the info, being familiar with it will help you know when you can assist me by reminding another ShamWOW poster to review the info.
6. How do I install or update ShamWOW?ShamWOW Installation Instructions (see #19 for SVN Instructions)
A. DELETE ALL Shaman CC files in HB\CustomClasses AND any folder below that. This includes prior ShamWOW or multi-class CCs.
B. Unzip the .zip file to your CustomClasses folder. This should create the following directory structure:
HB\CustomClasses\Config\ShamWOW.config <--- different folder
where HB is whatever you name your root HonorBuddy folder (the one containing HonorBuddy.exe)
ShamWOW is now fully installed and configured for use. If you have further questions, please see the HonorBuddy Wiki article regarding HonorBuddy Setup and Installation of CustomClasses.
7. I get an error when HonorBuddy tries to load ShamWOW?
You didn't install correctly. Go back to step FAQ #6 and repeat the installation. If you still have a problem, read FAQ #1 for steps on posting an issue that includes the detail needed for me to research and assist you.
8. What's with the disclaimer about not for use on Blizzard realms?
As you should have encountered elsewhere already, 3rd party software and botting in particular are against the Blizzard EULA and TOS. That was my reiteration of that and letting you know your choice to do that is your choice. I assume no responsibility for your use of HonorBuddy or this CC or the ramifcations of that use.
9. What's the best spec for leveling a Shaman?
Pick the spec you want to play, because you will at some point have to (or want to) take over manually and enjoy the game or do end game content (which will require you to play.) All specs work well with ShamWOW. If you want to learn more about the specs, their advantages, and leveling them read this guide:
Growing Up Shaman [CLICK HERE] is is a design manifesto for ShamWOW with regards to leveling characters.
If you still believe there must be one fastest, bestest, most elite spec for leveling and want someone to tell you then read the following:
- For fastest Questing/Grinding speed from 1 to 85 you should spec Enhancement and make sure you use the best weapon(s) available. Unlike Elemental spec, Enhancement can do reasonable damage with only weapon swings saving mana in extended fights (like when soloing an elite) for self-healing. Just to be clear, I am referring to Grinding or Questing all the way from 1 to 85. If you plan to do many instances, you should read the next paragraph.
- Elemental is Easier/Faster to level if you plan to do instances and Dual Spec Resto. Since both Elemental and Resto share gear until approaching end game, you can carry a single set and switch to Elemental for Questing and to Resto for Dungeons automatically (handled by InstanceBuddy.) Queue times for healers are much shorter than for DPS and result in much faster leveling times.
ShamWOW supports all specs so if you plan on running some instances, doing some quests, or pvping in some battlegrounds while leveling pick the spec that you prefer playing. Restoration is not a viable grinding or questing spec, so it is recommended that you don't spec that until you are above level 30 and can afford Dual Talent Specialization (since you can heal dungeons as Elemental until then.) Ultimately you should select the build based upon which style of player you prefer: melee dps or caster dps.
10. Can I do Dungeons (5-man) with ShamWOW?
Yes. I recommend using DungeonBuddy (next evolution of InstanceBuddy) for these. To use DungeonBuddy with ShamWOW, you must click Bot Config for DungeonBuddy and set the
Frame Lock option to False. You can either Heal or DPS and ShamWOW will require no setup/configuration since it recognizes your current role and spec upon entering the dungeon and behaves accordingly.
If you form or join a party before entering a dungeon, do not click Start until after you enter the instance.
11. Can I do Heroics, Raid, Arena, or World PVP with ShamWOW?
Yes, but raiding/arena/world pvp is not fully automated by HonorBuddy at the moment. You can setup HonorBuddy with ShamWOW in a special configuration known as Lazy Raider. This allows you to control the character movement as needed (out of fire, to grouping point in raid strategy, to assist someone in arena, etc.) and leave the spell selection and casting to ShamWOW. See the
Lazy Raider Usage and Setup [CLICK HERE]blog entry for more details (including required settings for use with ShamWOW.) For any of these end game environments, you will get good results from the default settings.
Want to do Arena or Rated Battlegrounds? Success in these requires more of your involvement to coordinate with other players when to trinket, use cooldowns, peel off an attacker, or burn someone down. It is essential you take control in those circumstances, so here is a link to a post describing those steps and how to accomplish:
Setting for arena and rated bg's [CLICK HERE].
12. Can I control movement while ShamWOW casts spells?
Yes. That describes using the LazyRaider setup described in #11. You can use this in any facet of the game.
13. How is support for Immune mobs implemented?
ShamWOW dynamically detects if the Shaman or any group member casts an ability that the target is immune to and adds that to an immunity list. The lists are referenced prior to casting an ability to avoid using Lava Burst on a target that is Fire Immune for example. At least one cast on a specific type of mob is required to detect it is immune and the is recreated each time you load HonorBuddy. If you encounter a Raid Boss that you are only casting Fire spells, you may want to try turning off Immunity Detection (in Class Options.) Most likely the boss was detected as being immune to Nature spells and the immunity was incorrectly reported by WoW as a permanent immunity rather than temporary.
14. Its casting Ghost Wolf while I'm trying to fish using Auto Angler.
In HonorBuddy, click the Class Config button, then the General tab of the displayed window. Uncheck the "Use Ghost Wolf for Travel if not mounted" option and ShamWOW will no longer cast Ghost Wolf.
15. I keep getting "Performing this action will make this item non-tradeable".
If you equip the item yourself, then click the OK button yourself. If you are using Auto-Equip, you should also install the WOW Addon
NoBoPWarning from [CLICK HERE]. The only other choice is to wait 1 hour to equip the weapon after the BoP becomes non-tradeable.
16. Why does my Resto Shaman attack/DPS in instances
This is always due to one of the following:
a. Your spec includes points in the Focused Insight and/or Telluric Currents talents. If you don't want the CC to take advantage of those abilities by casting Shocks and Lightning Bolt respectively, respec without them.
b. Your RAF Combat Style settings is set to
Healing Over Combat or
Combat Only. Change it to
17. Shield Twisting
Shield twisting is a technique employed by advanced players often used when soloing one or more NPCs or in combat situations with fluctuating mana levels, such as extended PvP battles. It involves casting Lightning Shield when mana is plentiful. As the shield charges expire, the player alternates or "twists" to Water Shield to enable some mana regeneration. When that shields charges expire, the player again twists back to Lightning Shield. The same thing can be done by a Resto Shaman in PVP with Water Shield and Earth shield to balance the passive healing of Earth Shield with the mana regen of Water Shield.
So the purpose of shield twisting is to strike a balance between higher mana regen and higher damage / damage reduction. In ShamWOW this is controlled by the following two values:
Water Shield Mana % If your current mana percentage is below this value, then ShamWOW will always cast Water Shield to increase the mana generation for the fight. This value must always be less than than the Lightning Shield Mana %
Damage Shield Mana % If your current mana percentage is above this value, then ShamWOW will always cast Lightning Shield to increase the damage done to attackers. This value must always be more than than the Water Shield Mana %
So what happens if the current shield charges expire and the mana percentage is between these two values? This is where the "shield twisting" technique occurs and the alternate shield is cast. As the charges on that shield expire if mana is still between the two limits established it twists back.
Can I force it to always use Water Shield?
Yes. Set Damage Shield Mana % to 101 and set the Water Shield Mana % to 100. Your characters mana can never get above 100 so Water Shield will always be up.
Can I force it to always use the Damage Shield?
Yes. Set the Water Shield Mana % to 0 and the Damage Shield Mana % to 1.
Do I really want to Shield Twist in Cata?
Yes, it is still important while leveling as your mana regen may not be sufficient due to your gear or other factors to minimize drinking frequently or to solo an elite. At higher levels, you typically won't use it except in special circumstances ( PVP, soloing an Elite, etc.) Ultimately you control whether Shield Twisting actually occurs or not by the values you choose.
18. Spell Priority (formerly known as rotation)
If you want to know what the spell priority is, please visit the following reference documents which serve as design guidelines for ShamWOW:
If you disagree with the priority/rotation described in the document referenced, please visit that authors forum and post your disagreement there. ShamWOW priorities are only updated as a result of changes to those documents.
If you see ShamWOW behave differently than what is posted there for the appropriate environment, please post in the ShamWOW thread as an issue following the steps in #1 of this FAQ.
19. Will SVN be supported for downloading/updating ShamWOW
No, not that is not my plans. ShamWOW is not updated frequently so this should not be an issue.
20. Will ShamWOW be updated for the expansion Mysts of Pandaria?
Yes, current plans are to continue supporting ShamWOW and updating for changes to spells and mechanics associated with Shaman in MoP as appropriate. ShamWOW was originally written for the Wrath of the Lich King expansion and has been revised as changes to Shaman spells and game mechanics have occurred through patches and expansions to WoW. Like Cataclysm, the upcoming MoP release is simply another expansion although it represents a lot of fundamental changes to classes and the game. At some point after HonorBuddy for MoP becomes available, the first release of ShamWOW for MoP will be available. The purpose of this release is to provide ShamWOW users with a CC to use with the MoP compatible version of HB that uses only the current set of known Cataclysm spells that still exist in MoP. It should allow you to begin leveling new characters or run Bots that which do not in most cases require sophisticated combat such as ArchaeologyBuddy, GatherBuddy, ProfessionBuddy, or AutoAngler. ShamWOW users will notice their survivability/damage/healing using this release will be lower than past versions. That is expected since this release is simply a means for you to continue using HB with your Shaman while I am busy developing and testing the second release of ShamWOW for MoP which will provide complete support for new spells, abilities, and mechanics. Hopefully this lets you know what will be occurring as WOW 5.0.4 is released. No time table is available for either release beyond what I mentioned here.
Want to see the ShamWOW for MoP spell priorities and logic that determines when cooldowns are cast? See FAQ #18 above. If you want to debate those rotations or discuss Shaman theorycrafting do it in those sites. You should only in the ShamWOW thread if the spell priority does not match those documents in which case a detailed post with log as described in FAQ #1 is required.
21. Are any other files required to run ShamWOW?
No. There are several files attached to this post that will improve results for your Shaman when using the Questing BotBase and/or Auto Equip plug-in (spec specific Gear Selection) as well as the Talented plugin (spec specific Talent Builds.)
[TABLE="class: outer_border, width: 600, align: center"]
Attached Filename
Copy To
Shaman - Elemental.xml[/TD]
Data\Weight Sets[/TD]
Shaman - Enhancement.xml[/TD]
Data\Weight Sets[/TD]