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Shaman as mine/herb dual gatherer?


New Member
Mar 5, 2012
Was going to SoR an old account and make an 80 druid, pally or dk for dual gathering. After looking around some more, it seems like Shamwow can pretty much do it all if I want to delve into pvp/instance healing later.

Only have 1 eligible acct laying around for an SoR. If it were you, would you make a druid/pally/dk gatherer first to generate gold, then bot up a shaman on the side afterwards? Or SoR the shaman to 80, and have him mine/herb until one of the faster classes can take over gathering?

Would only be botting a couple hours a day and maybe 5-6 hrs/day on the weekends because of work. So I'm thinking 1-85 would take a few weeks with my schedule, assuming I babysit it 100%.
paladins are best for dual gather imo because of crusader aura. Druids are best for herbs though
paladins are best for dual gather imo because of crusader aura. Druids are best for herbs though

True, but looks more bottisch to use any other class than druid, I get a feeling when my Druid flies that it looks more "normal" in some way :-)

Aswell the druid doesn't drag so much attention due size!
If the toon is strictly going to be a herber/miner, then like the previous people said I would go Pally or Druid. If you think you might want to get into PvE/PvP like you said then Shaman becomes very viable. Shamwow is the best CC out there and its not like Shamans can't farm. It might be easier to have a druid or pally but I have a Shammy farmer and he does just fine.
i use my shaman as my herb/mine gatherer.

He's just as good as any class, just without a speed boost that doesn't even do that much if you ask me.

If you want a true, 100%, money maker?

herb only -> druid

herb/mind -> pally