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I use people who sell RAF gametime I currently pay $4 per account I own so $20 for 5 accounts ^_+ but of course I'd sell them for $8 a month cause I'm jew like that.
If you think about making money out of it, Its not worth it. More and more accounts banned each day.
It was viable a few weeks ago. It was very good a few months ago . Now its shitty.
Out of 12 new accounts I recently leveled 10 of them got banned this week. 5 of them 4 days ago, 5 yesterday.
I just farmed for a few days on these accounts, they were fresh 85s. I was not botting like 24/7 i was giving some full day breaks and about 10h/day unless im giving them dayoffs.
I cant figure the current situation but its obvious blizz is working hard to catch bots.
On the other hand, I'm also botting on my main account. Always farming whenever im not playing. Not a single suspension yet.
I think standing of the account or different kind of activity plays a key role.
PS: RaF thing is cool unless you have annual pass. But it has a negative effect when your account goes under an investigation.