hi. i bought the bot today but i cant find the option where i do the setup for my char. i clicked every tab and looked at youtube and your instructions (out dated?) HonorBuddy: Honorbuddy Bots and their Settings - Buddy Wiki
I have pirox xp and this bot is quiet different.. my brother is trying too to check this new bot - without success
pls explain where i can set key like interact with target, pull mob, main attack, spam - attack, selfheal usw. wenn i load the random bg profil it sais "Starting the bot! This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!"
I have pirox xp and this bot is quiet different.. my brother is trying too to check this new bot - without success
pls explain where i can set key like interact with target, pull mob, main attack, spam - attack, selfheal usw. wenn i load the random bg profil it sais "Starting the bot! This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!"