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Sequence code help to dig Platinum Ore and Ebony Log

<If Condition="IsTimeBetween(4,5)">
<If Condition="not IsOnMap(146)">
<TeleportTo Name="little ala mhigo" AetheryteId="19" />
<If Condition="Core.Me.CurrentJob != ClassJobType.Miner">
<RunCode Name="MIN"/>
<WaitTimer WaitTime="3"/>
<Gather Loops="1">
<GatherObject>Unspoiled Rocky Outcrop</GatherObject>
<Hotspot Z="-453.1892" Y="27.34322" X="-271.194" Radius="500"/>
<ItemName>Platinum Ore</ItemName>
<GatheringSkill SpellName="King's Yield II" TimesToCast="1" />
<GatheringSkill SpellName="Sharp Vision II" TimesToCast="1" />

This code is the problem? Why not the place to dig? Chinese client
Last edited:
<ItemName>Platinum Ore</ItemName>

You need to use slots for it since you are on the CN version and not Global, I don't know what slot Platinum ore is but just change the number:

It should not be the problem, he did not go to the acquisition, the acquisition does not seem to recognize unknown mine
<If Condition="IsTimeBetween(6,9)">
<If Condition="Core.Me.CurrentJob != ClassJobType.Botanist">
<RunCode Name="BTN"/>
<WaitTimer WaitTime="3"/>
<If Condition="not IsOnMap(139)">
<TeleportTo Name="Camp Bronze Lake" AetheryteId="15" />
<Gather Loops="1">
<GatherObject>Unspoiled Mature Tree</GatherObject>

<Hotspot Z="198.6308" Y="-1.532912" X="347.7453" Radius="500"/>
<ItemName>Bamboo Stick</ItemName>
<ItemName>Blood orange</ItemName>


<GatheringSkill SpellName="Field Mastery II" TimesToCast="1" />
<TeleportTo Name="Camp Dragonhead" AetheryteId="23" />
<If Condition="IsTimeBetween(7,9)">
<LogMessage Message= "Next spawn at 9AM Eorzea Time at Eastern Thanalan."/>
<WaitWhile Condition ="IsTimeBetween(7,9)" />

This generation of Chinese version, there is no problem
Give a code, thank you

<If Condition="IsTimeBetween(4,5)">
<If Condition="Core.Me.CurrentJob != ClassJobType.Miner">
<WaitTimer WaitTime="3"/>
<RunCode Name="MIN"/>
<WaitTimer WaitTime="3"/>
<If Condition="not IsOnMap(146)">
<TeleportTo Name="Little Ala Mhigo" AetheryteId="19" />
<Gather Loops="1">
<GatherObject>Unspoiled Mineral Deposit</GatherObject>
<HotSpot Radius="150" XYZ="-229.0867,22.32257,-516.2305" />
<HotSpot Radius="150" XYZ="-96.01563,12.06209,-640.4351" />
<Slot>5</Slot> <!-- platinum ore -->
<GatheringSkill SpellName="King's Yield II" TimesToCast="1" />
<GatheringSkill SpellName="Sharp Vision II" TimesToCast="1" />
<TeleportTo Name="Summerford Farms" AetheryteId="52" />
<If Condition="IsTimeBetween(4,7)">
<If Condition="not IsOnMap(134)">
<TeleportTo Name="Summerford Farms" AetheryteId="52" />

<If Condition="Core.Me.CurrentJob != ClassJobType.Botanist">
<WaitTimer WaitTime="3"/>
<RunCode Name="BTN"/>
<WaitTimer WaitTime="3"/>

<Gather Loops="1">
<GatherObject>Unspoiled Mature Tree</GatherObject>
<HotSpot Radius="700" XYZ="131.3368, 60.43965, 260.1599" />
<GatheringSkill SpellName="Field Mastery" TimesToCast="1" />
<GatherObject>Unspoiled Mineral Deposit</GatherObject> 这里错了
