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Sending HB Hotkey Commands from AHK GUI [WILL PAY FOR HELP IF NEEDED]
So i just need help with having my Autohotkey GUI script be recognized by Honorbuddy Combat Routines.
Basically it's just a simple script that allows me to click a button on the GUI and it simulates a keystroke/s.
Now when i click one of the buttons it will send the keystroke to literally everything, but when i hotkey for example "Burst Toggle" in Cokx's Combat Routine for some reason it does not recognize the Keystroke like it would pressing the button on a keyboard.
Iv'e tried Controlsend to Wow, Honorbuddy and just regular Send ###
The reason i need this is that i have a physical disability where i cannot use my arms/hands (spinal cord injury) so i click pretty much everything that a combat routine doesn't do for me.
This GUI idea will be such a massive help if i can just somehow get Honorbuddy to recognize it as a normal keystroke. I understand that this isn't Autohotkey support but i have no where else to go with this
Thanks so much, i appreciate it alot.
Here's the AHK Code if that helps
So i just need help with having my Autohotkey GUI script be recognized by Honorbuddy Combat Routines.
Basically it's just a simple script that allows me to click a button on the GUI and it simulates a keystroke/s.
Now when i click one of the buttons it will send the keystroke to literally everything, but when i hotkey for example "Burst Toggle" in Cokx's Combat Routine for some reason it does not recognize the Keystroke like it would pressing the button on a keyboard.
Iv'e tried Controlsend to Wow, Honorbuddy and just regular Send ###
The reason i need this is that i have a physical disability where i cannot use my arms/hands (spinal cord injury) so i click pretty much everything that a combat routine doesn't do for me.
This GUI idea will be such a massive help if i can just somehow get Honorbuddy to recognize it as a normal keystroke. I understand that this isn't Autohotkey support but i have no where else to go with this

Thanks so much, i appreciate it alot.
Here's the AHK Code if that helps
WinGet, wowid, list, World of Warcraft
#IfWinActive, World of Warcraft
#SingleInstance, Force
CustomColor = 000001
Gui +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -Caption +E0x08000000
Gui, Color, %CustomColor%
Gui, Font, s10, Lucida Console
Gui, Add, Text, x0 y0 w115 gGuiMove 0x5
Gui, Show, h321 w218 NoActivate, Test
Gui, Color, 000000
Gui, Font, S15 cRed Bold Italic, Verdana
Gui, Add, Button, h100 w100 x6 y7 gFEAR,FEAR
Gui, Add, Button, h100 w100 x6 y110 gSTUN,STUN
Gui, Add, Button, h100 w100 x6 y213 gRUN,RUN
Gui, Add, Button, h100 w100 x112 y7 gBURST,BURST
Gui, Add, Button, h100 w100 x112 y110 gSPACE2,SPACE2
Gui, Add, Button, h100 w100 x112 y213 gSPACE3,SPACE3
Send {3}
Send {2}
Send {1}
Send {4}
Send {5}
Send {6}
;;For drag moving the GUI
PostMessage, 0xA1, 2,,, ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
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