I am ready to sell both my accounts with over 10 level 85s and tons of stuff, how is the best way to sell them and what should I expect to get for them?
Yes please i also want to know from someone who has their own experience of this.
So here are my questions about this.
The first question is: Where can I go to avoid being scammed? (Tips on internet page, etc.)
Second question is: How much money can you expect to get paid for an account with 6 Level 85 characters with full PVP and top-end game gear plus mounts and much more?
And the third and final question is:If someone here is interested in one or more of them Just PM me.
(Right now i have 6 full accounts 3 with all 6 of the Horde races and classes with full PVP and top-end game gear plus mounts and much more and 3 Alliance accounts with the same status as Horde accounts.)
(In the beginning of my career i boted 24/7 on 6 different accounts on 6 different computers.)
None of the accounts have been banned or suspected for something strange and I have not bottat on them at all for about 6 months (just playing on my main) so they are clean and ready for action =)
Nowadays i only use the Raid bot because I forgot how to play the game itself and the simple fact that I am truly a slacker >. < .....
Best wishes to all of you from a X hardcore botter from the wonderful country of Sweden. I love all of you guys and girls here at the forum "And of course ... Most of that love is for all the hot female Botters Here" for all the help you have given me when all of this was new to me and i askt all the retarded questions and did not understand shit about the bot.CC`s and plugins But you took the time and helped me to understand how things worked, and all that you did without complaining =) (And just that in itself is worth a fuckinan achievement for all of you)
(Oh My Fucking God!! Imagine how three such simple questions could result in so much fucking crap and love from me all in the same post!)
Best regards / Forvirrad A.K.A Confused