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Selling wow accounts?


New Member
Dec 9, 2011
So I was wondering if anyone uses HB to lvl and gearup to just sell the account? I was trying to find info on this, it seems you have to start the account with your real name because on some sites they require picture I.d. In order to buy the account. Would it be worth it? Really looking for some knowledge on this from those who do this.
some people do, I personally wouldn't, the market isn't very good for wow accounts, unless their like legendary or something, I usually check mmobay frequently, I see a lot of people trying to sell their accounts, but the prices have dropped a lot, so most have troubles...

Also, I don't know if you mean selling fresh 85s or fully gearing them, but its also risky when selling accounts, with all the scammers out nowadays.
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i never gonna buy a wow account again cause i got scamed pretty hard. Have bought an account almost 2 years ago, leveled toon to 85 did all professions had my own guild bank, tons of mats and about 500k gold and now this bloddy bitch did a phone call and extracted the wow account out of the battle.net account. I couldn't do anything.

Always remember, if you buy an account the seller can always take the account back. If you want to get a new account, invest the time and level it yourself.
what you could do is, ask people if they want to buy an account. if they say yes, then you level up the toon gear it trough pvp and random dungeons/LFR and it should be worth something to get money from. I'd say 20-30 euro per acc profit.
Like panyama said do it to order for people so they get a "main" in a class they want, can easily get a toon to 85 in two weeks with decent gear.
The real money is if you got a guild that will help you get legendaries then sell the account with that, then we are talking real money as people will pay a lot for that sort of thing.
It really depends on your time investment and how good you can make someone feel about buying from you and them feeling secure.