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Selling mats VS darkmoon cards

Jan 16, 2010
Anyone done the math, gut feel after a month of botting for mats and only making 4 darkmoon card greatness (5k on server) out of those mats, I would of been better off just selling the mats on the AH than wasting my time milling the herbs. Anyone else fell that way ?
Ink of the Sea = 2 Azure Pigments
Snowfall Ink = 10 Ink of the Sea = 20 Azure Pigments
Darkmoon card = 6 Snowfall Ink + 3 Ink of the Sea = 63 Ink of the Sea = 126 Azure Pigments
Nobles card = 4 Darkmoon card attempts (Presuming that each deck has equal chance)
Nobles Deck = 8 Nobles Card

Nobles Deck = 4 darkmoon cards * 8 Nobles cards need = 32 cards * 126 Azure Pigments = 4032 Azure Pigments

1 Mill of each type of herb:
Adder's Tongue: 2-4 Azure Pigments 100% 1-4 Icy Pigments 50% = (2+4)/2*100% + (1+4)/2*50% = 4.25 Azure Pigments
Tiger Lily: 2-4 Azure Pigments 100% 1-4 Icy Pigments 25% = (2+4)/2*100% + (1+4)/2*25% = 3.625 Azure Pigments

4032 / 4.25 = 949 stacks of Adder's Tongue+
4032 / 3.625 = 1113 stacks of Tiger Lily and lower

5000 gold per Nobles deck / 1000 stacks of herbs = 5g per stack or less to make it worth it.

Now that not entirely true because you would also presumably get at least 1 of each other deck in the process of getting the nobles deck. So 500 for each of the others is probably generous, but makes it about 6.5g per stack of herbs. Now this also doesn't take into account that you aren't guarenteed to get each number only once so you will probably have to make significantly more cards to get a full deck. I'm sure my math is all wrong, but it looks right.

So not likely to be worth it considering how long it takes to mill it all down.
I spread the herbs I farm between flasks, elixirs, potions, glyphs, and just plain selling.

The first few big batches I've botted I've tried making cards with, but it just wasn't smart with Greatness cards going for 3k on my server.

P.S. Take a look at the EJ website. First, it'll make one better at WoW, second, it'll give you an idea of what consumables to mass-produce and sell to guilds.
Ink of the Sea = 2 Azure Pigments
Snowfall Ink = 10 Ink of the Sea = 20 Azure Pigments
Darkmoon card = 6 Snowfall Ink + 3 Ink of the Sea = 63 Ink of the Sea = 126 Azure Pigments
Nobles card = 4 Darkmoon card attempts (Presuming that each deck has equal chance)
Nobles Deck = 8 Nobles Card

Nobles Deck = 4 darkmoon cards * 8 Nobles cards need = 32 cards * 126 Azure Pigments = 4032 Azure Pigments

1 Mill of each type of herb:
Adder's Tongue: 2-4 Azure Pigments 100% 1-4 Icy Pigments 50% = (2+4)/2*100% + (1+4)/2*50% = 4.25 Azure Pigments
Tiger Lily: 2-4 Azure Pigments 100% 1-4 Icy Pigments 25% = (2+4)/2*100% + (1+4)/2*25% = 3.625 Azure Pigments

4032 / 4.25 = 949 stacks of Adder's Tongue+
4032 / 3.625 = 1113 stacks of Tiger Lily and lower

5000 gold per Nobles deck / 1000 stacks of herbs = 5g per stack or less to make it worth it.

Now that not entirely true because you would also presumably get at least 1 of each other deck in the process of getting the nobles deck. So 500 for each of the others is probably generous, but makes it about 6.5g per stack of herbs. Now this also doesn't take into account that you aren't guarenteed to get each number only once so you will probably have to make significantly more cards to get a full deck. I'm sure my math is all wrong, but it looks right.

So not likely to be worth it considering how long it takes to mill it all down.

You also forgot to add in the eternal lives to your equation. Most of the cost of making cards comes from the deck itself. You can usually average 4 or 5 ink of the sea & 1 snowfall ink per stack of herbs. On most servers, milling stacks of herbs will be more profitable. Is making them into nobles decks more profitable? Not really. The process of making darkmoon cards is pretty much gambling, even with statistics/chances. I find usually selling the cards individually yields the greatest profit.
Yeah, I get on average 12 eternal life from 6 hr of botting, so I make about 4 cards a day. I get about 50 stacks of herbs in this time, they go from 10 - 20g a stack on my server, they always sell out when I put them on AH, just typing that sentence makes me realise I can get between 500-700 a day just selling the herbs, about 20k a month, enough to cover 4 cards, when you take into account the time for milling I figure I am ahead by simply selling mats :)

Ask for flasks, glyphs etc. All the ones I have studied for my server the raw mats always make more money that the consumable made, it really is a waste of time to make anything. Ink of the sea and snowfall ink do not sell on my server, I had 21 snowfall ink in batches of 3 up for a week at 50%, they did not sell. Currently using an add-on to evaluate the price of nobles and other cards for a few weeks, I suspect too I could sell the individual cards for more money than the deck. Beserker sells for 900g on my server, the other 2 sell for under 200g each, not worth the hassle.

Thanks all for the input.
i find Making cards the best way to Launder the Shit herbs you cant sell, For EG The Dreadnettle Etc, Each day once i have made all the flask's i can i make cards with the left over eternal life and herbs, that way my pocket stays happy and my BotGBank stays pretty empty