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seeing other botters


New Member
Mar 3, 2012
Ever see another botter on your server and your like hey my guy did that same motions woohoo another botter. And you want to say hey to your fellow botter, but you know you can not say anything to them else risking getting them or yourself ban. its kinda like when bikers pass each other they wave cus they know they are part of a club of some sort. You guys trying to gold cap and sell gold proably just see competition. i dont bot for gold to sell i do it to achieve things i can not on my own due to time restraints(having a family and all).
I do ALL the time when leveling new DKs on different servers. Amazing how many ppl I run into using HB lol.
i dont think that is good idea to speak about botting in wow chat ! cause its a game and u dont know how the other person will act
Just say: Hey BUDDY!

If he is he will understand. If he is not he will think you are enthusiastic or probably retarded. :)
i dont think that is good idea to speak about botting in wow chat ! cause its a game and u dont know how the other person will act

yea i know i said can not talk to the other person even if you wanted to, at the least it would freak the person out cus we are all paranoid as is. I would never approach another buddy user just for pure safety of their account.
dont bother people while botting, all your going to do is freak them out. im sure if you were away for 8 hours and come back to a strange person leaving you cryptic messaged you would freak the fudge out too.
Just say: Hey BUDDY!

If he is he will understand. If he is not he will think you are enthusiastic or probably retarded. :)

Pretty much what i do with a few variants meaning the same thing :) As far as botting for 8 hours and freaking out. If you bot for 8 hours afk chances are VERY high you know the score and will choose to respond or not.
Usually I dont care when I see other botters, and I apreciate people that dont care about me when I bot either :') Best to leave it like that in my opinion :p
dont bother people while botting, all your going to do is freak them out.

I know, but I want to so bad! I feel this surge of gratitude toward other people who realize how much of a time sink the game is and have come to terms with automating parts of it. Just wish it was safe to speak about somewhere other than here.

I have some friends who know I bot, and they're smart enough to never talk to me first unless Im talking.

Back when I bought and sold accounts, had a silly person I knew ask me in a whisper about my latest account purchase... In game.

He got a stern talking to.
yea only my RL friends know i bot, and they text me on the cell before whispering my chars.
When i see other botters i just let them to their thing, i don't /w them or anything.