Hello, I'm searching a (routine + mulligan + combo) who work for this decklist:
Hunter's Mark X1
Abusive Sergeant X2
Leper Gnome X2
Worgen Infiltrator X1
Explosive Trap X2
Quick Shot X2
Snake Trap X2
Knife Jungler X2
MAd Scientist X2
Eaglehorn Bow X2
Animal Companion X2
Kill Command X2
Unleash the Hounds X2
Arcane Golem X2
Argent Horserider X2
Wolfrider X2
OR this
Mana Wyrm X2
Frostbolt X2
Unstable Portal X2
Annoy-o-Tron X2
Mechwarper X2
Snowchugger X2
Arcane Intellect X2
Harvest Golem X2
Spider Tank X2
Tinkertown Technician X2
Fireball X2
Goblin Blastmage X2
Mechanical Yeti X1
Piloted Shredder X2
Azure Drake X1
Flamestrike X1
Dr.Boom X1
I would like to reach the rank 5. Sorry for my english I'm french. Thank you.
Hunter's Mark X1
Abusive Sergeant X2
Leper Gnome X2
Worgen Infiltrator X1
Explosive Trap X2
Quick Shot X2
Snake Trap X2
Knife Jungler X2
MAd Scientist X2
Eaglehorn Bow X2
Animal Companion X2
Kill Command X2
Unleash the Hounds X2
Arcane Golem X2
Argent Horserider X2
Wolfrider X2
OR this
Mana Wyrm X2
Frostbolt X2
Unstable Portal X2
Annoy-o-Tron X2
Mechwarper X2
Snowchugger X2
Arcane Intellect X2
Harvest Golem X2
Spider Tank X2
Tinkertown Technician X2
Fireball X2
Goblin Blastmage X2
Mechanical Yeti X1
Piloted Shredder X2
Azure Drake X1
Flamestrike X1
Dr.Boom X1
I would like to reach the rank 5. Sorry for my english I'm french. Thank you.